In our November 2024 release we have added an option to enable Java Agent to monitor the dashboard to collect metrics, traces and logs for observability.
You can find info about enabling this feature by checking out our November 2024 release notes - November 2024 - Dashboard Release Notes
This configuration bellow will do the following:
Launch the Dashboard with Java Agent Enabled: The application is started with the OpenTelemetry Java agent, which uses the OTLP exporter configured. This setup will allow the application to send telemetry data (traces and metrics in this example) to the OpenTelemetry Collector for further processing.
Collect and Process Telemetry Data: The OpenTelemetry Collector will be set up to receive telemetry data from the application via OTLP protocols (HTTP on port
and gRPC on port4317
). It will process the incoming data using a batch processor that ensures the efficient handling of metrics.Export Metrics: The processed metrics will then exposed for Prometheus to scrape at the endpoint
. This integration will allows real-time monitoring and visualisation of the dashboard’s performance.Export Traces: xxThe OpenTelemetry Collector will forward the traces to Zipkin, a distributed tracing system. Zipkin will visualise these traces, helping track the flow of requests across the dashboard and identify any performance bottlenecks or failures.
First we need to define the configuration file for OpenTelemetry Collector. Example:
Code Block |
receivers: otlp: # Defines the OTLP receiver to accept telemetry data (traces/metrics) protocols: grpc: endpoint: http: endpoint: processors: batch/traces: timeout: 1s # The maximum time to wait before sending a batch of telemetry data send_batch_size: 50 # The maximumbatch/metrics: number of telemetry data itemstimeout: to1s send per batch send_batch_size: 50 exporters: prometheus: # Defines an exporter for Prometheus to expose telemetry data endpoint: # The network address and port where Prometheus can scrape metrics zipkin: endpoint: "http://zipkin:9411/api/v2/spans" # Traces are exported to Zipkin at defined url service: pipelines: metrics: receivers: [otlp] # OTLP receiver is responsible for receiving theprocessors: [batch/metrics] data processorsexporters: [batch/tracesprometheus] # traces: The batch processor is used to process the received metricsreceivers: [otlp] exportersprocessors: [prometheusbatch/traces] # The processed metrics are exported to Prometheusexporters: [zipkin] |
We then define a configuration file for Prometheus. Example:
Code Block |
scrape_interval: 15s # Default time interval between scrapes for all jobs unless overridden
evaluation_interval: 15s # Default time interval to evaluate alerting and recording rules
scrape_configs: # List of scrape configurations defining how Prometheus should scrape metrics from different targets
- job_name: 'example'
metrics_path: '/metrics' # Endpoint where metrics are exposed for the target
scrape_interval: 5s # Override the global `scrape_interval` to scrape this job every 5 seconds
- targets: ['otel-collector:8889'] # The address of the target to scrape |
Latest version of the dashboard with environment variables defined that will enable Java Agent and will have endpoint and service name specified
External db
OpenTelemetry Collector
Prometheus for scraping metrics
Zipkin for tracing
Code Block |
services: dashboard: image:${LATEST_DASHBOARD_IMAGE} ports: - 8226:8226 environment: PI_DB_HOST: database PI_DB_PASSWORD: password PI_DB_USERNAME: root PI_DB_SCHEMA_NAME: dashboard PI_DB_PORT: 3306 PI_EXTERNAL_DB: "true" PI_LICENCE: ae8360ce-d208-4daa-b776-8022f37ff150${LICENCE_KEY} PI_TOMCAT_OBSERVABILITY_ENABLE_JAVA_AGENTMONITORING_ENABLED: "true" PI_TOMCAT_MONITORING_OBSERVABILITYOTLP_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT: "http://otel-collector:4318" PI_TOMCAT_MONITORING_OTLP_EXPORTER_PROTOCOL: "http/protobuf" PI_TOMCAT_OBSERVABILITYMONITORING_SERVICE_NAME: "pi-dashboard" PI_TOMCAT_PORT: 8226 healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "/bin/bash", "/var/panintelligence/" ] interval: 10s start_period: 60s retries: 3 database: image: mariadb:10.9.4 environment: MARIADB_DATABASE: dashboard MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: password LANG: C.UTF-8 command: --lower_case_table_names=1 --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci restart: always ports: - "3306:3306" otel-collector: image: otel/opentelemetry-collector container_name: otel-collector command: [ "--config=/etc/config.yml" ] volumes: - /path_to_config_files/config.yml:/etc/config.yml # Mounts the local collector configuration file into the container at the specified path ports: - "4317:4317" # Maps port 4317 for OTLP gRPC protocol for receiving telemetry data - "4318:4318" # Maps port 4318 for OTLPMOTLP HTTP protocol for receiving telemetry data - "8889:8889" # Maps port 8889 for Prometheus scraping metrics from the collector prometheus: image: prom/prometheus:latest container_name: prometheus ports: - "9090:9090" # Maps port 9090 for accessing the Prometheus web interface volumes: - /path_to_prometheus_config/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml # Mounts the local Prometheus configuration file into the container zipkin: image: openzipkin/zipkin:2.23 container_name: zipkin ports: - "9411:9411" |
Things to note:
All three files (config.yml, prometheus.yml and docker-compose.yml) should exist for this example to work successfully
Amend volumes for otel-collector and prometheus - make sure to point to the correct path within your local directory
Make sure all ports specified are available
Navigate to http://localhost:8889/metrics - you will see some output from prometheus of the metrics that have been scraped. Example:
Navigate to zipkink URL (http://localhost:9411/zipkin/), click on ‘run query’. This is the output as an example: