When drilling from a chart to a category using the Drill to Category Chart Type, all the Category Object filters will be passed to the destination category in the same way that a normal drill down works.
If the ‘Filter’ box has been unticked for the Category Object filter on the source categoryCategory, the Category Object filter on the destination category Category will not be changed when Drill to Category is used
If ‘Manually apply category filters’ is selected on the source category, the Category Object filter on the destination category will not be changed when Drill to Category is used
If the Dimension ‘Enable drill down filter’ is unticked on the source Category, the destination category will not be changed when Drill to Category is used
Source Category chart Measures won't be passed to the destination Category
In the following Bar chart example, we have a category
Filters can have different operators, while each category object type only supports one operator.
If the filter (the source) is using an operator that the category object (destination) accepts, the value is kept
Otherwise the filter is ignored
The following list shows the current supported Operators of each category object type, and the filter operators that can be used to set these category objects:
Select - Equal To - (accepts: Equal To)
Search - In - (accepts: In, Equal To)
Checkboxes - In - (accepts: In, Equal To)
Images - In - (accepts: In, Equal To)
Number Picker - Equal To - (accepts: Equal To)
Slider - Between - (accepts: Between)
Free Text - Like - (accepts: Like, Equal To)
Single Date Picker - Equal To - (accepts: Equal To)
that uses ‘Job Role’ as a Dimension. We’ve enabled ‘Drill to Category’ on this chart.
In our Destination Category, we have another Bar chart and this Category has a Category Object filter set up for ‘Job Role’.
When we click a Bar in our source category, the selected Job Role will be passed to the Category Object filter in the destination category and the chart in this category will be automatically filtered on the selected Job Role.