We're changing the way we handle licencing. Previously, we supplied access to our software by means of a licence file which was installed alongside the software and had to be applied manually. We're changing to a new type of licence manager. This enhanced functionality will automate licence key provision and provide us with metrics about current usage and active users, which will in turn allow us to concentrate our efforts on making our products the best they can be. The new licence manager will also give greater insight into how customers are using the dashboard.
Allowing traffic to leave your private subnets
These instructions are written from a cloud perspective, primarily Amazon Web Services (AWS), however some of the principals translate to an on premise deployment, chiefly proxy. At a very basic level, we need traffic to be able to communicate on port 443 with our Application Programming Interface (API) which is located at https://customers-v1.panintelligence.cloud/dashboard_callback. If you do not already have outbound communication capability from your application server, we’ve listed below a few ways that you could achieve this, and also included some pros and cons for each method.