With effect from the July 22 release of the Dashboard, we have introduced the option to suppress password login for users that are using an external login service. You can enable this in Dashboard Configuration>Users. When adding a new user, or amending an existing user, the ‘Allow Password Login’ box will be ticked by default.

When un-ticked, this option turns off a user’s ability to log in with their password and will also prevent them from changing any of their details within the account panel as a password is required to do this.

When this option is unticked, the password field and password expires checkbox will not be visible and will be replaced with the options ‘Allow Password Login’ and ‘Allow External Login’. The password will be saved as ‘null’ in the database.

You will be unable to save a user with both password and external login disabled.

When ticking password login, after having had it previously unticked for a user, you will be unable to save the user unless you add in a new password. This is because the password would have previously been saved as ’null' in the database.

Allow Password Login can not be disabled for the super admin user.