The article provides information on how to use the V2 API. Basically there are always 2 steps involved:

For more info about how to use filters and so on, refer to the API documentation for details.

API Documentation

Note: SwaggerHub may have small problems, so if the page doesn’t display AFTER redirecting, just do an F5 refresh (sometimes you need to refresh a few times)


The system has 2 types of authentications, but there is only one approach to use the API with the 2 steps below:

Step 1: Logging in:

You can use swagger hub to create an example to show how to log in

Refer to the schema section for mandatory or optional data to supply in the request body, these are all optional for authentication.

Step 2: Using the API

You need to supply the token returned by the authentication in order to use the API for e.g. get a category.

To log in: