Environment Variables can be used to configure the dashboard - these are especially useful for automated deployments.
These should be used to configure the dashboard application and are set against the dashboard or “server” container in containerised deployments.
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Enable Single Sign On for the dashboard using Windows Authentication |
| Inline licence file content (XML or UUID) |
| Link to the dashboard licence |
| Disk location of a licence file |
| URL for the dashboard used when rendering. Default: |
| A token created by you, min 15 chars, used as a bearer auth token in a post request to the /health endpoint to view dashboard metrics including licence & memory info |
| The smtp server any mail will be sent via | |
| The smtp port | |
| The smtp username | |
| The smtp email address (optional) | |
| The smtp password | |
| Sets smtp with ssl (boolean) | |
| Sets smtp with tls (boolean) | |
| Allow unverified tls certificates (not recommended) | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_RENDERER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_SCHEDULER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_EXCEL_READER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL |
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Database host |
| Database port |
| Database username |
| Database password |
| Maximum RAM allocated to the database |
| Schema name of the database (Default: dashboard) |
| Set to |
| The name of the user account under which Database should run |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable |
| Set to |
| Set to | |
| Set to | April 2024 |
Variable | Description | Version Introduced | |
| Dashboard port |
| |
| Tomcat internal port (local only) (see default 28748 |
| |
| Tomcat's administration port |
| |
| Tomcat AJP port |
| |
| Maximum memory allocated to tomcat |
| |
| Maximum concurrent connections to the tomcat server |
| |
| Connection timeout definition |
| |
| Maximum threads tomcat can run |
| |
| Minimum spare threads tomcat should keep |
| |
| Frame-Ancestors definition for dashboard embedding. A space separated list of |
| |
| |
| Makes tomcat use HTTPS | April 2021 | |
| The location of the X509 certificate to use for https | April 2021 | |
| The location of the X509 certificate key file | April 2021 | |
| The password of the certificate key (if set) | April 2021 | |
| Must be | November 2020 | |
| One of | November 2020 | |
| The cookie name that is used to identify a user’s session to a particular dashboard. Defaults to | August 2021 | |
| Maximum number of connections to the dashboard’s own database. Default: | March 2022 | |
| Used to enable session sync | March 2022 | |
| Choose either Tomcat session sync (tcp) or Redis session offload (redis) | October 2023 | |
| Used to set the session sync broadcast port | March 2022 | |
| Used to set the session sync listening port | March 2022 | |
| Set the redis host if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 | |
| Set the redis port if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 | |
| Set the redis password if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 | |
| Boolean field. Apply HSTS to the dashboard. | July 2022 | |
| Boolean field. Applies HSTS to all subdomains of your site. | July 2022 | |
| Boolean field. Enables HSTS preload header, meaning browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection.
| July 2022 | |
| The amount of time in seconds that the browser should remember that the site is only to be accessed using HTTPS. Default setting of 31536000. | July 2022 | |
| The name of the user account under which Tomcat should run | January 2023 | |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 | |
| The amount of time (in days) to retain rotated log files. Default setting of 0. A value of 0 disables automated log removal | October 2023 | |
| The minimum log level for Tomcat and Dashboard logs. Default setting of INFO. (Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) | November 2023 | |
| Log in json format. Defaults to false. | May 2024 | |
| Log http requests. Defaults to true. | May 2024 | |
| Set to true by default, determine whether cookies will be partitioned, currently incompatible with open id pop up login via an iFrame | February 2024 | |
| The location of the HTTPS certificate chain file | June 2024 | |
| A list of ciphers as a single string, with each cipher separated by a comma (e.g. Defaults to a ciphers list supported by the dashboard. | June 2024 |
These settings are only required if you want tomcat to do any URL rewriting. This is generally a good idea if you're using IIS as a reverse proxy. Nginx and Apache httpd are more than capable of doing this on their own though.
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Let tomcat know it's behind a proxy (this will make it know how to rewrite its URLs) |
| One of |
| If the proxy is using https protocol (generally true) |
| Proxy host (usually the publicly accessible domain) |
| Proxy port |
These should be used to configure the renderer application and are set against the renderer container in containerised deployments
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Internal port to run on. Default |
| Size limit that the server accepts when |
| Type of logger. Default |
| Path to the directory containing the logs. Default |
| Comma separated string with the levels to log. Valid values: |
| Boolean field. If set to true, the Renderer will ignore errors related to the use of self-signed or invalid SSL certificates. Default false | November 2022 |
| Boolean field. Kill the container if it reports as unhealthy. This is for orchestrators that only monitor running/stopped states. Default | March 2021 |
| The name of the user account under which Renderer service should run | January 2023 |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |
| Timeout value in seconds to determine how long it should wait for the URL to load in the chromium browser before the renderer task terminates - default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes) | May 2024 |
| Log in JSON format. Defaults to false | May 2024 |
These should be used to configure the Excel reader application and are set against the excel-reader container in containerised deployments
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Host to bind to. Default |
| Internal port to run on. Default |
| Access control allow origin value. Default |
| Path to the directory that holds the logfile. Default |
| Log level ( |
| The name of the user account under which Excel-Reader service should run. | January 2023 |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |
These should be used to configure the scheduler application and are set against the scheduler container in containerised deployments
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Path to the directory that keeps the logs. Default: |
| Minimum log level. Default: |
| Port that the scheduler is listening on. Default: |
| Location where the key pairs are kept. Default: |
| URL to the dashboard. Default: |
| The name of the user account under which Scheduler service should run | January 2023 |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |
These should be used to configure the Pirana application and are set against the Pirana container in containerised deployments
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Host to bind to. Default |
| Internal port to run on. Default |
| Connection pool. Default |
| Environment type to run on. Default |
| Path to the logfile. When left empty logs to |
| Comma separated string with the levels to log. Default |
| Enable options below. Default |
| Path to an SSL certificate |
| Path to an SSL private key |
| Path to an SSL certificate chain |
| Seed number for the model. Default |
| Maximum model depth. Default |
| Fill strategy for missing data. Default |
| The name of the user account under which Pirana service should run | January 2023 |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |