Dashboard Controls

The buttons in the top right of the screen allow further control of the dashboard. 

Publish Layout  – please refer to the section Publishing A Layout on page 16 for more information.

Dashboard Configuration  – opens the Admin Panel, please refer to the section Configuration Screen on page 136.

Reset to the default view of the category  - resets all category filters to the default values

Refresh Category  – refreshes all elements on the page.

More Options  - opens dashboard tools, shown below.

Send the dashboard

The ‘Send this dashboard’ option sends a URL, which allows someone (providing they have access) to directly access the filtered category we are viewing.

This will copy the full URL from your web browser and open it in your email software (assuming you’re logged in to an email application). If the recipient has access to the Dashboard in general, and this category specifically, then they will be able to see the charts exactly as you have filtered them.

Play Carousel

This will cycle the interface through the different categories, and you can set the interval between cycles. This is used when the dashboard is viewed on a TV or large monitor to provide a communal view.

You can decide on the interval (how often the dashboard refreshes) and to either:

Play dashboard (Cycle through all categories available to this user) OR Play this category (Refresh only the visible category).

Generate language file

Use and edit localisation, which refers to the ability to provide multi-lingual support for the application. Please refer to the section Multilingual on page 241 for more information.


Here, we can see who we are logged into the dashboard as. In this example, we are logged in as Admin.

Clicking on this name will provide information about your account’s privileges.

The left-hand side of the screen will show the role that has been assigned and the last time we logged into the system. The User Privileges section shows what the user has access to.

We can also change our password from this screen and change some of our user account details such as the Theme and our Email address.


Clicking on this item will open a screen which tells you what version is currently installed.

Save default layout for each category

This is typically used when the user has been doing a lot of configuration work in multiple categories and wishes to ensure that their ‘view’ of all the categories is saved as the Default Category for other others, it saves having to go into each category individually.

Clear Cache Data

Clear Cache Data will clear the dashboard cache

Cleanse Repository

Cleanse Repository will clear any redundancies in data.

 This should only be used under supervision of support


Help (if enabled) provides a link, by default, to pi Documentation for all new, clean installs of the dashboard. If you already have text in this field, the current URL will not be overwritten when upgrading the dashboard.

Please see this section for further information.


Logout will log you out of the Pi interface.