Role level variables and role level restrictions have been added to the system, this means that you will now have more flexibility when creating variables and restrictions for users. Previously, if you had 10 users that all shared the same variable or restriction you would need to add the details to each individual user which would be very time consuming if you needed to change these details. With role level variables and restrictions, you add the details at role level and when the role is assigned to users, they will all inherit the same variables/ restrictions. This in turn also makes it easier to make changes, the details are changed at role level and they will cascade down to all users in that role.


The following types of variable are available in the system:

Variable Overriding

Variables are applied in the following order:

To help with understanding, let’s look at the following scenario. The system has been set up with:

 These variables will be applied in the following way:


Restriction Cumulation and Overriding

User Restrictions and Role Restrictions are applied to users as follows:

To help understanding, if the system has:
