January 2022 Dashboard Release Notes
Release Name - pi.2022-01-27
Release Date - Jan 27, 2022
We are pleased to present our latest offering of pi - our January 2022 release! This page helps summarise and familiarise you with the changes we have made, and is supported (where applicable) with useful videos to help explain the changes we have delivered.
Before upgrading, we recommend taking a backup. You can find more information here.
We are aware of an issue with the January release when using an external database for the dashboard configuration where the schema isn’t called ‘dashboard’.
Here’s what we’ll cover;
- 1 Added
- 1.1 Multi-dimensional map with legend (Zendesk#10776)
- 1.2 Added empty custom_jdbc_drivers folder to dashboard deployment on Linux (Zendesk#13157)
- 1.3 Athena Data Connection (Zendesk#11696)
- 1.4 Display error in chart editor with ‘Can View Chart Debugging info’ user permission (Zendesk#16743)
- 1.5 New Syntax supported for Date Range Category filter text replacement (Zendesk#13581)
- 1.6 Value labels show by default on multiple chart types (Zendesk#16833)
- 2 Changed
- 3 Fixed
- 3.1 Screen flickering when using the peek button in Chart Editor
- 3.2 Object replacement with single quote (Zendesk#14067,18451)
- 3.3 User can no longer use the same password chosen by admin when resetting the users password (Zendesk#14112)
- 3.4 Logo now works on production using internal images & external internet URLs (Zendesk#13807,14278,18985,19207)
- 3.5 Combined chart - zero line from 2nd Y axis (Zendesk#13214,13215)
- 3.6 Chart editor table pagination settings (Zendesk#12102)
- 3.7 Smaller browser window to show scheduling screen (Zendesk#10473)
- 3.8 Maps without data (Zendesk#10181)
- 3.9 Fix grid line color to work across all chart types (Zendesk#9358)
- 3.10 Formatting negative values with prefixes and suffixes (Zendesk#8301,9034)
- 3.11 Odd behaviour when clicking on active drill level (Zendesk#12445)
- 3.12 Report header image input field error indication (Zendesk#8709)
- 3.13 Formatting rules on data connection objects visible when testing data result (Zendesk#8280)
- 3.14 New Admin User - missing debug permission automatically added (Zendesk#11865)
- 3.15 Error message displayed when a category doesn’t have a default layout for the logged in user (Zendesk#12935,14024)
- 3.16 Data connection pre-query input field (Zendesk#14978)
- 3.17 Pagination values carried over to charts in Chart Editor (Zendesk#14047)
- 3.18 Horizontal scroll bar displayed unnecessarily on tables in Chrome (Zendesk#15493)
- 3.19 Target line overlapping data values on stacked bar and column charts (Zendesk#15256)
- 3.20 Targets no longer disappear when selecting legend items & chart re-draws to correct size when selecting back (Zendesk#11863,15253,9502)
- 3.21 Fixed charts with dots, so that a dot is displayed when then there is only one value on the chart (Zendesk#15229)
- 3.22 Data connection export preserves password if it’s a variable (Zendesk#15680)
- 3.23 Error handling for merged charts and merged tables (Zendesk#15796)
- 3.24 Sankey chart with numeric Dimensions as Node or State (Zendesk#16244)
- 3.25 Table alias not being added to the WHERE clause on data tables (Zendesk#8654)
- 3.26 Editing a user’s theme as Admin when user does not have ‘Can Change Own Theme’ privilege (Zendesk#12628)
- 3.27 Formatting options for number dimension are not correctly reflected in a Crosstab header (Zendesk#11181)
- 3.28 X Axis attributes on Merged Charts (Zendesk#16397)
- 3.29 API - updating user account details (Zendesk#16288)
- 3.30 Assigning a User to a Role (Zendesk#14376)
- 3.31 Word export - table body overlapping chart logo (Zendesk#16808,17173,18463)
- 3.32 Infinite loop of errors when refreshing a category with custom map parent filters (Zendesk#16879)
- 3.33 Custom Maps zoom not working on Firefox (Zendesk#16878)
- 3.34 Errors in console when creating a custom map (Zendesk#16877)
- 3.35 Custom Maps ability to handle null values (Zendesk#17247)
- 3.36 Pagination row number for tables and crosstabs (Zendesk#17189)
- 3.37 Fixed table colour definition, so that rules can be defined to format blank values (Zendesk#17175,18737)
- 3.38 Full-screen Table scroll position resets to the top when selecting a row (Zendesk#17610,18190,18342,19060)
- 3.39 !important is no longer required on theme button colours (Zendesk#13911,17663)
- 3.40 Images inside a table cell are cut (Zendesk#17403)
- 3.41 X Axis top/bottom filter for single dimensional chart
- 3.42 Security Centre - only shows users and roles managed by the logged in admin who have ‘Can Edit Chart SQL’ privilege (Zendesk#11270)
- 3.43 Data connection exporting - broken chart colours are excluded
- 3.44 Export to Excel, Ppt and Word - ampersand code (& ;) showing in the field instead of the actual & symbol (Zendesk#14152,18194)
- 3.45 Performance issues when changing category objects to use date type (Zendesk#17927)
- 3.46 Internal performance fixes for authentication & permission handling
- 3.47 Elasticsearch data connector - data not working in charts (Zendesk#11780)
- 3.48 Multi Dimensional parent filter highlighting (Zendesk#13274)
- 3.49 pi Report text editing - links can be inserted into new lines
- 3.50 Editing pi reports - only displays one page for editing
- 3.51 Funnel & pyramid chart cutting off data labels at certain screen resolution (Zendesk#18514)
- 3.52 Display disabled chart button (Zendesk#18359)
- 3.53 Active state buttons will not be displayed as blue (Zendesk#18489)
- 3.54 Chrome mini scroll bar issue (Zendesk#15889,18568)
- 3.55 Show Total Value - Merged Charts (Zendesk#18655)
- 3.56 Subtitles on Word export (Zendesk#18664)
- 3.57 Data connection table name selection (Zendesk#18660)
- 3.58 Default Colour on Map Charts (Zendesk#18663)
- 3.59 Dashboard now shows correct error when using an invalid licence (Zendesk#18524)
- 3.60 Amendment to pop up message for ‘Cleanse Repository’ option (Zendesk#18642)
- 3.61 Creating a database backup in the Configuration Tool (Zendesk#18593)
- 3.62 Categories created during a data connection import are assigned to the admin user that does the import (Zendesk#18626)
- 3.63 Data Connection Import - Objects updated correctly
- 3.64 Dependencies & versions on the ‘About’ page (Zendesk#16756)
- 3.65 Cascade deletion for roles
- 3.66 Export issue for tables with values that contain line breaks (Zendesk#18940)
- 3.67 Frame ancestors setting remains unconfigured in old api (Zendesk#18980,19015)
- 3.68 Measures defined as a condition in dynamic drill charts (Zendesk#18959)
- 3.69 pi Reports - text editing spacing issue (Zendesk#19046)
- 3.70 pi Reports - scheduler screen error message
- 3.71 Suspend a schedule doesn't cancel all the active jobs related to it
- 3.72 Missing database index added to improve performance (Zendesk#19166)
- 3.73 Renderer stops working after upgrading from last version
- 3.74 SQL Server Windows Authentication does not work
- 3.75 MariaDB Repository will not start up when Dashboard in root
- 3.76 When using a scheduler, error message is unclear when user has no access to the chart (Zendesk#19103,19702,8271)
- 3.77 Unable to schedule if App Port has changed after the dashboard has already been configured
- 4 Keeping An Eye On pi
Multi-dimensional map with legend (Zendesk#10776)
Chart Types
Multi-dimensional maps are now available on the map chart type. To add a legend to your map, add the relevant dimension to the legend field on the Data tab.
Similar to multi-dimensional charts, the legend will appear on the side of the map and colours of the data points changed accordingly.
Please refer to this section in pi Documentation for more information.
Added empty custom_jdbc_drivers folder to dashboard deployment on Linux (Zendesk#13157)
JDBC drivers
The deployment project now has an empty custom_jdbc_drivers folder on Linux for customers to use, this also fixes an issue with tomcat not configuring properly when the file was missing.
Athena Data Connection (Zendesk#11696)
Data Connections
We now ship the Athena JDBC driver so an Athena data connection can be created rather than having to set this up via the Freeform JDBC.
To create an Athena connection, select Athena from the data source type. You will need to specify the AWS Region, S3 Output Location (the s3 location where you want to store the query results), Access Key and Secret Key.
You can also add Options which must be in the format [Property1]=[Value1];[Property2]=[Value2].
Display error in chart editor with ‘Can View Chart Debugging info’ user permission (Zendesk#16743)
Chart Editor
The Chart Editor screen has been updated and will now display errors in the preview area if the chart has errors. This information will only be displayed to users who have the ‘Can View Chart Debugging Info’ permission.
New Syntax supported for Date Range Category filter text replacement (Zendesk#13581)
Category Objects
Date Range type category objects can now provide text replacement to separate the From Date and the To Date.
For example,
if a user selects 01/01/2022 and 03/01/2022 from a date range category object
the chart in this category has a title with ‘From {{Sales Date[0]}} to {{Sales Date[1]}}’
this chart title is converted into ‘From 01/01/2022 to 03/01/2022’
Value labels show by default on multiple chart types (Zendesk#16833)
Chart Types
When any of the following chart types are created, ‘Show Data Values’ on the Attributes screen will be selected as default:
Chord Diagram
Horizontal Sankey
Vertical Sankey
Network Graph
Pie Variable Radius
Doughnut Variable Radius
Doughnut Sunburst
Traffic Light
If required, users can still deselect this option on the Attributes screen.
If a user changes from one of the above mentioned charts to a chart not included in this list for example, switching from a Pie chart to a Bar chart the ‘Show Data Values’ label will be deselected but this can be added on the Attributes screen if required.
Switching the order of measures on combined charts (Zendesk#11168)
Chart Types
When users swap the order of the Y Axis items on the Data screen for a Combined Chart this will be reflected correctly in the chart. In the following example, the ‘Employee Count’ measure is displayed first in the list of Measures on the Data screen and on the left-hand Y Axis of the chart.
When the order of the Measures is changed on the Data screen, the relevant Y Axis will be updated accordingly.
Library Upgrades (Zendesk#19083)
Several library upgrades have been included to ensure customers benefit from the latest security fixes
Docker container health check
Additional attributes have been added to a Docker container health check functionality and the number of checks that are being carried out in order to improve the assessment of the state & health of the container have been increased.
Upgrade Tomcat (Zendesk#18785)
Tomcat has been updated to 8.5.73 to resolve a recently discovered vulnerability in Tomcat.
Internal Port Changes (Zendesk#19082)
When HTTPS is turned on, you might need to configure the dashboard URL so that other services (such as Scheduler, Renderer etc) know the correct way to reach the dashboard.
This is especially true when a non public certificate is used.
You can configure the dashboard URL (e.g. https://your.dashboard.com/pi
) in 3 ways (see below):
The Dashboard URL setting in the configuration tool
The dashboard.json
configuration file
Edit "dashboardUrl"
in dashboard.json
for the "renderer"
and the "scheduler"
"renderer": {
"dashboardUrl": "https://your.dashboard.com/pi",
"scheduler": {
"dashboardUrl": "https://your.dashboard.com/pi"
The environment variables
If you’re using a docker environment or an AMI, you will want to add the following environment variables:
Updated IDs for Human Torso Muscle Map
Custom Maps
The IDs on the human muscle map svg
images have been updated to something that makes a bit more sense. See tables below.
For human-muscles-front.svg
Old ID | New ID |
For human-muscles-back.svg
Old ID | New ID |
Screen flickering when using the peek button in Chart Editor
Chart Editor
When users had the Category list, on the left-hand side of the screen, pinned in place and used the ‘Peek’ button in the Chart Editor screen the screen would occasionally flicker.
Object replacement with single quote (Zendesk#14067,18451)
Text Replacement
When using category objects to replace text using the {{Object Name}} syntax, and the text contained a single quote, the quote was converted into 4 single quotes (incorrect sql escaping) for SQL generation. This resulted in no data being returned. Now only 2 single quotes are used to escape a single quote in SQL
User can no longer use the same password chosen by admin when resetting the users password (Zendesk#14112)
When a users password was reset by an Administrator and the ‘Password Expires’ box was ticked, the user would be asked to select a new password but would be able to use the same password set by the administrator. The password entered by the administrator will now become part of the users password history, preventing them from reusing the same password.
Logo now works on production using internal images & external internet URLs (Zendesk#13807,14278,18985,19207)
Chart Downloads
When downloading PDFs:
The File path has been corrected so that internal image files can be used as the logo when downloading a PDF of a chart
It also recognises and works with external internet URLs
Combined chart - zero line from 2nd Y axis (Zendesk#13214,13215)
Previously, if a user created a combined chart and assigned both Y axis to use the same Y axis in the ‘Attributes’ section for example, both set as Bar, the chart would draw an unnecessary line with 0 value through the centre of the chart to display the Y axis which was empty. A change has been made that will ensure that if a user chooses to assign both Y axis to the same axis the data is displayed correctly with no zero value being shown.
In this example, both Y Axis have been set as Bar.
The data in the chart is displayed correctly.
Chart editor table pagination settings (Zendesk#12102)
Chart Editor
When using the ‘Pagination’ setting in Chart Editor, the table displayed in the Preview section will be updated to reflect the chosen setting.
For example, if 6 is selected in the ‘Pagination’ field the table preview will show 6 rows. If the ‘Pagination’ number is changed to 10, the table in the preview section will also be updated to show 10 rows.
Smaller browser window to show scheduling screen (Zendesk#10473)
Scheduling screen
When displaying the scheduling screen in a small browser window, everything was overlapping. The screen now creates a horizontal scroll bar so that content is displayed correctly.
Maps without data (Zendesk#10181)
Chart Types
Maps (and Heatmaps) without data will now display a ‘No Data’ message rather than displaying with blank content.
Fix grid line color to work across all chart types (Zendesk#9358)
The Grid Line Color option under Dashboard Configuration>Themes>Configuration didn’t work for the 'X' axis on web charts (spider, radar, wind rose) or merged and combined charts. If a grid line color is specified, it will now work as intended across all chart types.
Formatting negative values with prefixes and suffixes (Zendesk#8301,9034)
Chart Display
Text & number formatting has been updated so that when adding a prefix to a negative value in a measure the prefix will appear after the minus sign (or the opening bracket if you have chosen to show brackets for negative values in a table). Values will now be displayed as -£50 or (£50).
Odd behaviour when clicking on active drill level (Zendesk#12445)
Chart Editor
Clicking on an active drill level hierarchy in the chart editor screen would occasionally cause problems when the system tried to redraw the chart, this no longer happens.
Report header image input field error indication (Zendesk#8709)
pi Reports
The Report, Header image section has been updated to show help text and indicate any errors when unsupported image paths have been used. When users hover over the Image Path field, help text will now be displayed.
Formatting rules on data connection objects visible when testing data result (Zendesk#8280)
Data Connections
If you’ve added formatting options, such as a thousand separator, prefix or suffix, to a data object in Data Connections the relevant formatting will be displayed when you test the object using the ‘Display Sample data’ icon.
New Admin User - missing debug permission automatically added (Zendesk#11865)
User Permissions
When changing a standard user to an admin user, the ‘Can View Chart Debugging Info’ privilege will be automatically selected.
Error message displayed when a category doesn’t have a default layout for the logged in user (Zendesk#12935,14024)
User Permissions
When a user, who doesn’t have the ‘Can Modify Layouts’ privilege, views a Category that doesn’t have a default layout they will see the following error message.
Data connection pre-query input field (Zendesk#14978)
Data Connections
In Data Connections>Connection, the Pre Query input field is now only available for SQL Server and Free Format jdbc connections.
Pagination values carried over to charts in Chart Editor (Zendesk#14047)
Chart Editor
If a table had been created that used Pagination and the table was then changed to a Bar Chart the pagination values were being retained and the chart was only displaying the number of bars that matched the pagination setting. For example, if you set pagination to 2 on a table and then converted the table to a Bar Chart only 2 bars would be displayed in the Chart Editor screen. This no longer happens and the Bar Chart will now show all values in Chart Editor when converted from a table with pagination.
Horizontal scroll bar displayed unnecessarily on tables in Chrome (Zendesk#15493)
When using Chrome, a horizontal scroll bar will no longer be displayed on tables when not needed.
Target line overlapping data values on stacked bar and column charts (Zendesk#15256)
Chart Display
When using stacked column and stacked bar charts that had ‘Show Data Values’ selected on the Attributes tab and a Target Line had been added, the data values were occasionally being hidden. This no longer happens and all data values will now be displayed when a target line has been added.
Targets no longer disappear when selecting legend items & chart re-draws to correct size when selecting back (Zendesk#11863,15253,9502)
Chart Display
When filtering a chart by selecting one or more items from the legend, the target line now remains in place. In addition, when clicking back to display the full list of legend items the chart is resized correctly.
Fixed charts with dots, so that a dot is displayed when then there is only one value on the chart (Zendesk#15229)
Chart Display
Previously charts that draws dots would show nothing when there was only one value available on the chart, users would have to hover the mouse on the chart to see the single value. A change has been made to ensure that a dot is displayed when charts only have one value. This affects the following chart types:
area chart
stacked area chart
percentage stacked area chart
spline area chart
step area chart
line chart
spline chart
step line chart
spider chart
radar chart
combined chart with line or area
Data connection export preserves password if it’s a variable (Zendesk#15680)
Data Connections
If the password of the data connection to be exported contains variables, the password with the variable is now included in the data connection export.
If the import connection password doesn’t have variables, after exporting and importing to a target system, it won’t force the target system to change the connection password. Instead, it instructs the target system to maintain the password (because the exported file has an indicator to indicate maintaining the password).
Previously the connection password was not exported, so after importing such a connection, users needed to re-configure the connection password regardless of whether it contained variables or not.
Error handling for merged charts and merged tables (Zendesk#15796)
Chart Display
Errors will now be shown, if they exist, on Merged Charts and Merged Tables, even when the error relates to one of the child charts/ tables.
Sankey chart with numeric Dimensions as Node or State (Zendesk#16244)
Chart Display
Previously, when using numeric dimensions as a Node or State for a Sankey chart, the data was not organised correctly.
Table alias not being added to the WHERE clause on data tables (Zendesk#8654)
Data Tables
When selecting a column for the WHERE clause on a data table, the table alias will now automatically be added to the WHERE clause field.
Editing a user’s theme as Admin when user does not have ‘Can Change Own Theme’ privilege (Zendesk#12628)
User Permissions
If an Admin user changed a users theme on Dashboard Configuration>Users for users that had the permission ‘Can Change Own Theme’ disabled, the theme reverted back to the default theme used for new users when the ‘Save’ icon was clicked. This no longer happens and Admin users can change and save themes successfully.
Formatting options for number dimension are not correctly reflected in a Crosstab header (Zendesk#11181)
Chart Types
When formatting options had been specified for a number dimension for example, changing to 2 decimal places, the formatting options were not being applied when the number dimension was used as a Crosstab header. This no longer happens and any formatting options will be reflected correctly in the header field.
X Axis attributes on Merged Charts (Zendesk#16397)
Chart Types
When X Axis attributes were added to a Merged Chart for example, hiding the X Axis, changing the label or label lengths they were displayed correctly in Chart Editor but were not shown when the chart was saved and viewed on the dashboard. Any X Axis attributes that are added to Merged Charts will now be saved and applied correctly.
API - updating user account details (Zendesk#16288)
Users cannot use the PUT /users API endpoint to update their own details. The reason it’s not allowed is because this endpoint allows editing user permissions, and the system should not allow a user to give themselves more permissions.
The following changes have been made to the API:
a new api endpoint /userAccounts/self is available for anything editable by the user themselves
the /users endpoint now explains that only super admin can change themselves, and it refers to the other endpoint for updating a user’s own details
Please refer to the new version of the API documentation for further details.
Assigning a User to a Role (Zendesk#14376)
User Access
Occasionally, when assigning a new role to a user an error message was being displayed. New roles can now be assigned without displaying an error message.
Word export - table body overlapping chart logo (Zendesk#16808,17173,18463)
When data tables were exported in Word, the table body was overlapping the chart logo if the table was longer than one page.
Infinite loop of errors when refreshing a category with custom map parent filters (Zendesk#16879)
When multiple custom maps were within the same category and a parent filter had been applied, errors would appear in the console which would occasionally cause a browser crash when the category was refreshed.
Custom Maps zoom not working on Firefox (Zendesk#16878)
Users will now be able to zoom in and out on custom maps when using Firefox browser.
Errors in console when creating a custom map (Zendesk#16877)
Chart Editor
When creating custom maps, after adding data without filling in the SVG URL and ID fields, an error message will display in the chart editor to warn that these fields have not been completed.
Custom Maps ability to handle null values (Zendesk#17247)
When data for custom maps contains a null value within the identifier column, the data point will be ignored and the map will still draw. Null values or identifiers which don’t exist on the SVG will simply be ignored.
Pagination row number for tables and crosstabs (Zendesk#17189)
Table Display
When using the pagination option to scroll through a table where ‘Row Numbers’ has been selected on the Attributes tab each page will show the correct row numbers. In the following example, pagination has been set at 5 records per page, page 1 will show rows 1-5, page 2 will show 6-10 and so on.
Fixed table colour definition, so that rules can be defined to format blank values (Zendesk#17175,18737)
Chart Colours
Previously table colour definition with blank values were being applied to data with values of zero. This has now been corrected so that the definition applies colours to empty values.
Full-screen Table scroll position resets to the top when selecting a row (Zendesk#17610,18190,18342,19060)
Tables were losing the scroll position when users clicked on a specific row in full screen mode. A change has been made that will ensure that the scroll position will remain at the same level as the selected row instead of resetting to the top of the table.
!important is no longer required on theme button colours (Zendesk#13911,17663)
In Dashboard Configuration>Themes>Style, when setting a colour for a button e.g. .pi-style__btn-default users had to enter ‘color: blue !important;’. !important no longer needs to be added and users can simply enter the colour as color: blue;.
Images inside a table cell are cut (Zendesk#17403)
Images inside table cells were not being rendered properly when the dashboard was first loaded. A change has been made to the system that will ensure that images inside table cells will now render correctly.
X Axis top/bottom filter for single dimensional chart
When a top or bottom filter was applied to the X axis of a single dimensional chart, the filter was being ignored. A change has been made to ensure that data will now be filtered correctly based on the filter.
Security Centre - only shows users and roles managed by the logged in admin who have ‘Can Edit Chart SQL’ privilege (Zendesk#11270)
Dashboard Configuration
When an Admin user clicks More Options>About (top-right hand corner of the dashboard) they will only see a list of users and roles, in Security Centre, who have the ‘Can Edit Chart SQL’ privilege when those users are managed by the logged in user.
Data connection exporting - broken chart colours are excluded
Export/ Import connection
When exporting a connection that contained a chart that had colours in a corrupted state the colours were also exported, which caused the import of the connection to fail. A change has been made that will prevent broken colours from being exported.
Export to Excel, Ppt and Word - ampersand code (& ;) showing in the field instead of the actual & symbol (Zendesk#14152,18194)
When a data table containing the ‘&' symbol in a field was exported to Excel, Word or PowerPoint the symbol was converted to %amp; in the text. A change has been introduced and the '&' symbol now remains unchanged when the table is exported.
Performance issues when changing category objects to use date type (Zendesk#17927)
Category Objects
When editing categories on a dashboard containing multiple data connections and changing a category object to Single Date Picker or Date Range it was taking a time to figure out the correct database date/ time format. A change has been introduced that will prevent this time delay from happening.
Internal performance fixes for authentication & permission handling
Updated how the system handles user and user permissions when multiple requests are attempting to access the system at the same time.
Elasticsearch data connector - data not working in charts (Zendesk#11780)
Data Connections
When setting up the Elasticsearch data connection, it was previously not possible to use the data in the connection unless you manually changed the table name to not include the schema name. A change has been made to ensure that the table name is automatically being amended once the connection is set and the data table is being created.
Multi Dimensional parent filter highlighting (Zendesk#13274)
Chart Display
When there were multiple parent charts on the screen with one of them being a multi-dimensional chart, the multi-dimensional chart had none of the data blocks highlighted when using the other parent charts to filter the data. A change has been introduced that will ensure highlights are visible on all related charts.
pi Report text editing - links can be inserted into new lines
pi Reports
When editing a report, links couldn’t be inserted into a blank box or any new line of a text box. A change has been added to address this issue.
Editing pi reports - only displays one page for editing
pi Reports
When editing a report with more than 3 pages 3 pages were displayed for editing, which was causing scrolling issues. Now only the one page being edited is displayed.
Funnel & pyramid chart cutting off data labels at certain screen resolution (Zendesk#18514)
Chart Display
When ‘Show Data Values’ has been selected for Funnel & Pyramid charts, the data labels will now be displayed on the inside of the chart so that they are not cut off in certain screen resolutions.
Display disabled chart button (Zendesk#18359)
When setting up a new user that had ‘Can Edit Chart’ privilege, they were unable to edit charts when the ‘Display Disabled Chart Button’ was unticked. A change has been applied that means that users will now be able to edit charts, when they have the relevant privilege, even if the ‘Display Disabled Chart Button’ is unticked.
Active state buttons will not be displayed as blue (Zendesk#18489)
Active buttons in the system were previously displayed as blue. They will now be displayed in the colour defined by the theme.
Chrome mini scroll bar issue (Zendesk#15889,18568)
Chart Editor
A change has been made to Chart Editor to prevent mini scroll bars appearing when changing zoom sizing in chrome v96.
Show Total Value - Merged Charts (Zendesk#18655)
Merged Charts
When a Stacked Bar chart had the ‘Show Total Value’ attribute applied, the total value were not being displayed when this chart was put into a merged chart. Now, the merged chart will show the total values if one of the charts being merged has the ‘Show Total Value’ attribute set in the chart editor.
Subtitles on Word export (Zendesk#18664)
Word Export
Chart subtitles would not appear on a new line when a chart was exported to Word - they were concatenated with the chart title and were all appearing on the same line. Now, if a subtitle is added, it will appear beneath the chart title and in a smaller font when exported to Word.
Data connection table name selection (Zendesk#18660)
Data Connection
The expand option on the ‘Table Name’ field in Data Connections will now show a list of all available tables that users can select from.
Default Colour on Map Charts (Zendesk#18663)
Chart Types
If a default colour is defined on a Map chart type that does not contain a legend, this colour will override the original colour in which the chart was drawn.
This also applies to Scatter and Bubble Chart Types that do not have a legend.
Dashboard now shows correct error when using an invalid licence (Zendesk#18524)
Dashboard Licence
When a user tried to log in with an invalid licence (XML or UUID), the dashboard would return an ‘unexpected error’ message. This has been changed to be more descriptive, so users are aware of the specific issue. An invalid licence will now return an error message of ‘licence key is invalid or not found’.
Amendment to pop up message for ‘Cleanse Repository’ option (Zendesk#18642)
The message that is displayed when users click ‘Cleanse Repository’ under ‘More Options’ has been amended to ‘Successfully cleaned data repository’.
Creating a database backup in the Configuration Tool (Zendesk#18593)
Configuration Tool
When a backup was created using the Configuration Tool GUI, the backup was created correctly but an error was displayed in the console. In this release, the backup will be created without any errors being produced in the Configuration Tool log.
Categories created during a data connection import are assigned to the admin user that does the import (Zendesk#18626)
Data Connection Import
When importing a data connection, all the categories created should be assigned to the admin that does the import. Previously this wasn’t happening and the admin user didn’t have access to the new imported categories.
Data Connection Import - Objects updated correctly
Data Connection Import
Previously, when importing a data connection, new objects were created successfully but any objects being imported that had the same display names as objects that already existed in the target system were not being updated correctly. Imported objects that already exist in the target system will now be updated correctly.
Dependencies & versions on the ‘About’ page (Zendesk#16756)
The ‘About’ page, under ‘More Options’ at the top-right of the dashboard, has now been updated to show the up to date 3rd party libraries (and their version numbers) used in the dashboard.
Cascade deletion for roles
Role Variables and Role Restrictions are now deleted when deleting a Role. Previously, these remained in the database when a role was deleted.
An Admin user can click ‘Cleanse repository’ under ‘More Options’ to remove bad data.
Export issue for tables with values that contain line breaks (Zendesk#18940)
Data Tables
Tables with values that contained line breaks within them would fail to successfully export to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This has now been resolved and the exported table values will be formatted in the same way that they are stored in the database.
Frame ancestors setting remains unconfigured in old api (Zendesk#18980,19015)
Frame ancestors settings were not being applied to the dashboard in the old API if set up in the configuration tool. If you set trusted hosts or any other frame ancestors settings in the config tool GUI these will now be applied to the dashboard and reflected in web.xml file at the following path; DASHBOARD_DIR/webapps/panMISDashboardWebServices/WEB-INF/web.xml.
Measures defined as a condition in dynamic drill charts (Zendesk#18959)
Chart Display
Conditions that are defined to compare measures will now be reflected correctly in the dynamic drill path logic. Previously, when a condition was defined to compare with a measure value it was showing a ‘Drill condition is not defined’ message when the condition was actually satisfied.
pi Reports - text editing spacing issue (Zendesk#19046)
pi Reporting
If a report was created before the new text editing feature was introduced, October 2021 release, break lines in the text content appeared to be one line in the new text editor design view. The design view will now show identical content to the report that will be sent out.
pi Reports - scheduler screen error message
pi Reporting
When a user edits a message on the Schedule screen, the error message relating to the missing information will be updated correctly.
In the following example, the email subject has been deleted and the error message confirms the missing subject field.
In this example, the subject and message have both been removed and again the message confirms both pieces of information are missing.
Suspend a schedule doesn't cancel all the active jobs related to it
When a schedule is set to suspended, any active jobs related to that schedule will also be cancelled.
Missing database index added to improve performance (Zendesk#19166)
Added database indexing to resolve system slowness when there are too many historical login records.
Renderer stops working after upgrading from last version
Dashboard Configuration/ Renderer
The renderer service was not working when upgrading from November to the January version. Changes has been made to how the Tomcat server.xml file is regenerated to include the internal port connector which was reintroduced in the January release.
All the files in tomcat/conf folder will be overwritten when upgrading to ensure the latest changes to the config tool are applied.
SQL Server Windows Authentication does not work
With a SQL Server instance supporting Windows Authentication use the appropriate options in the Dashboard Datasource connection screen to configure a matching connection. The connection will not work and you get the error ‘This driver is not configured for integrated authentication’.
MariaDB Repository will not start up when Dashboard in root
The repository service was not starting when the Dashboard was installed into the root of a drive (or any folder with no space).
When using a scheduler, error message is unclear when user has no access to the chart (Zendesk#19103,19702,8271)
Error messaging has been improved in the scheduler when a chart is sent to a user who has no access to the category. The validation of the user permissions occurs only after the schedule has been scheduled and the user will receive an error message in the monitoring screen warning that there may be at least one user without access to a chart and advising to check users' access rules and role permissions.
Unable to schedule if App Port has changed after the dashboard has already been configured
Configuration Tool
The scheduler service was breaking if the app port has been changed in the configuration tool after the initial installation. The scheduler will now work with no issues if any changes happen in the configuration tool as the ports will be updated once the changes are applied.
Keeping An Eye On pi