July 2022 Dashboard Release Notes
Original Release Name - pi.2022-06-30
Patched Release Name - pi.2022-06.30.1
Original Release Date - Jul 21, 2022
Patched Release Date - Jul 27, 2022
We are pleased to present our latest offering of pi - our July 2022 release! This page helps summarise and familiarise you with the changes we have made, and is supported (where applicable) with useful videos to help explain the changes we have delivered.
Jul 27, 2022 - patch release. Please refer to the section ‘Patch Release’ below for full details.
Before upgrading, we recommend taking a backup. You can find more information here.
Here’s what we’ll cover;
- 1 Patch Release
- 2 Added
- 2.1 Upgrade to Grails (Zendesk#15725,20353,20464)
- 2.2 Rate Limiting Added To Data Connections (Zendesk#18670)
- 2.3 Added HTTP Strict Transport Security configuration and extra security headers (Zendesk#18671)
- 2.4 Captcha on failed logins (Zendesk#18672)
- 2.5 Addition of health check/status endpoint (Zendesk#19299)
- 2.6 Invalidate token api endpoint (Zendesk#19928)
- 2.7 Suppress Password Login (Zendesk#21085)
- 3 Changed
- 3.1 Restrict length of download filenames (Zendesk#16696)
- 3.2 Value resets to original position on card and gauge charts after ceasing to hover on the sparkline (Zendesk#17666)
- 3.3 Apply colour to whole row on tables now overrides the colour defined in themes (Zendesk#17731)
- 3.4 Access to Information Schema Table (Zendesk#18669)
- 3.5 Changed behaviour when selecting legend items for multi-series parent charts (Zendesk#20663)
- 3.6 Puppeteer Upgrade (Zendesk#21670)
- 4 Fixed
- 4.1 Fail to get multiple api tokens on fresh clean db installation (pi#1064)
- 4.2 Double clicking save button on various screens (pi#1066)
- 4.3 Chart Types overlapping in Chart Editor (pi#1123)
- 4.4 Adding or amending data connections (pi#1214)
- 4.5 Drill Down levels on charts with Date Range Category Objects (pi#1238)
- 4.6 User restrictions - API (pi#1249)
- 4.7 Driver classpath value is not saved for free format jdbc (pi#1253)
- 4.8 Colour node on Analytics charts (pi#1254)
- 4.9 Anonymous charts (pi#1255)
- 4.10 Drill down on Analytic charts (pi#1256)
- 4.11 Override data connections when only one data connection exists (pi#1265)
- 4.12 Category objects not being replaced when ‘Filter’ checkbox is unticked (pi#1310)
- 4.13 Word and PowerPoint exports - Merged tables missing content (Renderer#53)
- 4.14 Migrations not running if ports changed (Configuration Tool#115)
- 4.15 Decimal Rounding (Zendesk#7582)
- 4.16 Error message for deleted charts (Zendesk#8863)
- 4.17 Correct number of attributes now shown in Chart Editor (Zendesk#11911,18455,9488)
- 4.18 Categories without category objects will not show an empty panel even if it’s pinned (Zendesk#12166)
- 4.19 Irrelevant numbers will not be shown in the Edit Chart screen (Zendesk#12170)
- 4.20 Resizing dashboard cells that include the Lightbulb chart type (Zendesk#12328)
- 4.21 Default Colour field has been removed for data tables (Zendesk#14814)
- 4.22 Removed undesirable border for embedding (Zendesk#18321)
- 4.23 Consistency in chart editor for combined charts (Zendesk#19209)
- 4.24 Update to prevent dashboard password synchronisation if the default is changed (Zendesk#19280)
- 4.25 Error when exporting a table to Excel with long text content (Zendesk#19472)
- 4.26 Empty Chart breaks the Scheduler (Zendesk#19513,19599,19605,19793,20398)
- 4.27 Existing Category Objects will be displayed in Chart Editor when creating a new chart (Zendesk#19531)
- 4.28 Multi picker filter now allows you to select multiple items in a 1.5 second time frame (Zendesk#19700,19719,20661)
- 4.29 Object referencing for tables and joins (Zendesk#19746)
- 4.30 Apostrophes within category objects not being escaped in table select statement, table where clause and free hand SQL (Zendesk#19809,20665,21349)
- 4.31 Console error when trying to reset a category that has parent filters applied (Zendesk#19907)
- 4.32 Category Object definition on data connection imports (Zendesk#19951)
- 4.33 You can now successfully save excel spreadsheets with special characters (Zendesk#19989)
- 4.34 Error when using the ‘Schedule this chart’ icon (Zendesk#20036,20572)
- 4.35 Category Objects using an index field to replace filter (Zendesk#20047,20774)
- 4.36 User can still edit chart when there are errors on the chart (Zendesk#20147)
- 4.37 Updated Theming for Category Objects panel (Zendesk#20201)
- 4.38 Changing themes on the user account screen (Zendesk#20218)
- 4.39 ‘Can Access Account’ permission linked to ‘Can Change Own Theme’ and ‘Can Change Own Password’ (Zendesk#20351)
- 4.40 Background image transparency on logon screen will not affect the whole page (Zendesk#20376)
- 4.41 Removed undesirable !important definition for app logo (Zendesk#20458)
- 4.42 Image and text retained on Card Charts regardless of whether the chart contains a dimension or measure (Zendesk#20608)
- 4.43 Importing Data Connections (Zendesk#20671,20967)
- 4.44 Scrollable categories not working when user doesn’t have the ‘Can Modify Layouts’ permission (Zendesk#21019)
- 4.45 Merged tables not working in pi Reports (Zendesk#21086,21345)
- 4.46 Importing data connections into the April 2022 release (Zendesk#21097)
- 4.47 Updating to the April 2022 release breaks embedding (Zendesk#21118)
- 4.48 Option to exclude the Data Connection when importing a connection (Zendesk#21142)
- 4.49 Reports that contain a header or footer (Zendesk#21146)
- 4.50 Error message when installing the April 2022 dashboard (Zendesk#21175)
- 4.51 Session timeout (Zendesk#21179)
- 4.52 Data Connection - Introspection (Zendesk#21259)
- 4.53 Windows Authentication for Active Directory functionality restored after upgrade (Zendesk#21309)
- 4.54 Importing a data connection via the API fails to override the connection details of an existing connection (Zendesk#21361)
- 4.55 Scheduler throws an error when sending Merged Tables & Charts (Zendesk#21387)
- 4.56 Emailed reports not showing charts in default theme (Zendesk#21403)
Patch Release
Grails remote code execution vulnerability (Zendesk#22024)
A critical level remote code execution vulnerability was reported in Grails, an upgraded version of Grails has been added to this patch release to address this. Please refer to this page for more information.
Filtering by reordered Parent chart table (Zendesk#22001)
Previously, if you had set up a regular or crosstab table as a parent chart, then re-ordered the rows by clicking on the table header, then clicked on an item within the table to filter on, it would filter on the incorrect item. It would filter on what was at that same position in the table before it had been re-ordered by clicking the header.
Now, it filters on the correct item regardless of whether or not you have re-ordered it.
Able to still log in when user is locked (Zendesk#22017)
When a user that has the following options enabled in their user account:
Is User Locked
Captcha At Login
Password Expired
and the user tries to access the dashboard and enters a new password at the change login screen the user can log in to the dashboard.
Upgrade to Grails (Zendesk#15725,20353,20464)
Core framework Grails updated to version 3.
Rate Limiting Added To Data Connections (Zendesk#18670)
Data Connections
Rate limiting functionality has been added to data connections, this will limit the number of attempts you can make for testing and saving a connection for security reasons.
You can make up to a total of 20 attempts for saving and testing a data connection within 600 seconds (10 minutes) before an error is displayed and you are prevented from making any more until 600 seconds (10 minutes) have passed since making the first stored attempt.
Rate limiting for testing (hitting the lightbulb icon) and saving a data connection are stored separately, this means that you can make 20 attempts within 10 minutes for EACH piece of functionality.
Added HTTP Strict Transport Security configuration and extra security headers (Zendesk#18671)
Security/ Configuration Tool
Users will now have the option to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) when serving the dashboard over HTTPS. This is recommended, and provides an extra layer of security by converting all attempts to access the site using HTTP to HTTPS. HSTS can only be enabled when serving the dashboard over HTTPS and can be configured through the configuration tool using the options below:
Enabled - this switches on HSTS.
Include Subdomains - Applies HSTS to all subdomains of your site.
Preload - By enabling preload and adding your site to Google’s HSTS preload service, browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection.
You should only enable preload if you’re confident your entire site and all of its subdomains can be served over HTTPS. Once on the HSTS preload list, it can take several months to remove your site if needed.
HSTS Maximum Age - The time, in seconds, that the browser should remember that a site is only to be accessed using HTTPS. This is set to one year as default.
HSTS can also be configured with the following environment variables:
- Boolean field. Apply HSTS to the dashboard.PI_TOMCAT_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS
- Boolean field. Applies HSTS to all subdomains of your site.PI_TOMCAT_HSTS_PRELOAD
- Boolean field. Enables HSTS preload header, meaning browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection (see above warning).PI_TOMCAT_HSTS_MAX_AGE
- The amount of time in seconds that the browser should remember that the site is only to be accessed using HTTPS. Default setting of 31536000.
Further to being able to configure HSTS, the dashboard now has Permissions-Policy and Feature-Policy security headers as standard when serving the dashboard over HTTP or HTTPS. This includes:
Captcha on failed logins (Zendesk#18672)
After 3 failed login attempts, rather than locking a user account, the user is now shown a captcha image to fill on login. Accounts will now be locked after 10 failed attempts.
The number of failed attempts it takes to show the captcha and to lock the account are configurable in Dashboard Configuration>Settings:
Additionally, an admin user can force (or remove) the captcha state for a user (much like they could toggle the lock state of a user) in Dashboard Configuration>Users:
Addition of health check/status endpoint (Zendesk#19299)
There is now a health check endpoint available as part of the dashboard to verify whether the dashboard is running. This provides a simple json response simply showing the status of the dashboard (e.g. {"status": "UP"}). Users can navigate to the endpoint by simply adding "/health" to the end of the relevant url (e.g. https://localhost:9090/pi/health).
Invalidate token api endpoint (Zendesk#19928)
A new API endpoint has been added that allows you to invalidate your token.
Make a post request to this endpoint, with your token in the authorisation, and it will be invalidated:
Suppress Password Login (Zendesk#21085)
We’ve added the ability to suppress password login for users that are using an external login service. This can be configured in Dashboard Configuration>Users.
The new checkbox ‘Allow Password Login’ is ticked by default, when un-ticked it turns off the user’s ability to log in with their password and also prevents them from changing any of their details within the account panel as a password is required to do this.
When this option is unticked, the password field and password expires checkbox will not be visible. The password will be saved as ‘null’ in the database.
You will be unable to save a user with both password and external login disabled.
Also, when checking password login, after having had it previously unchecked for that user, you will be unable to save unless you add in a new password, as it would have previously been saved as ’null' in the database.
Allow Password Login can not be disabled for the super admin user.
Restrict length of download filenames (Zendesk#16696)
Chart Downloads
A maximum limit of 200 characters has been added for the file names of chart downloads. If the chart name, or title, added in chart editor exceeds 200 characters the file name will be truncated which will allow the file to download successfully.
Value resets to original position on card and gauge charts after ceasing to hover on the sparkline (Zendesk#17666)
Previously, after hovering on a sparkline on either a:
Card chart
Traffic light
Power ring
the value of the last position that you hovered on on the sparkline would be retained when the mouse was moved away from the sparkline.
Now, when the mouse is moved the sparkline will reset to the original value (the value it was before a user hovered over it).
Hover on a value on the sparkline, the chart reflects the value.
Move mouse cursor away, the chart resets to the original value it showed before you hovered over the sparkline - in this example, 180.45.
Apply colour to whole row on tables now overrides the colour defined in themes (Zendesk#17731)
Tables/ Chart Editor
Previously, if you defined a colour in the chart editor for a table and selected ‘Apply Colour To Whole Row’, the colour would only show on the cells that didn’t have a colour already defined for them in the themes. By default, our total column has a colour defined in themes, so it would often appear as if the ‘Apply Colour To Whole Row’ checkbox wasn’t being displayed on the total column.
Now, when you define a colour in chart editor and select ‘Apply To Whole Row’ it will override whatever is defined in themes and therefore, the total column will also be coloured.
Access to Information Schema Table (Zendesk#18669)
Dashboard Repository
A new user, ‘pi_repos_user’, has been added to replace a ‘root’ user for the Dashboard Repository data connection. This new user has ‘read' privileges only which limits unnecessary access to the information schema tables. The ‘root’ user will be replaced by the 'pi_repos_user’ on a new dashboard installation or dashboard upgrade to the July release.
A password for this new user will be stored at %DASHBOARD_INSTALLATION_PATH%/Dashboard/db/pi_repos_user.log
Changed behaviour when selecting legend items for multi-series parent charts (Zendesk#20663)
When selecting a legend item on a multi-series parent chart, there will no longer be a change triggered in the url. In the previous implementation this would have filtered all values on the X Axis, only allowing for deselection of items on the axis. In the new implementation this allows for filtering on the parent chart itself, as well as the selecting of individual items on the X Axis after selecting by legend.
When clicking on the legend in a multi-series parent chart, the parent chart should behave the same as if it wasn't a parent chart, and no changes should occur on any other charts in the category.
Multi-series parent chart - nothing selected
In the following example, the bar chart has been filtered by the item selected in the legend and the table on the right remains unchanged.
Multi-series parent chart - selected by legend
If you select a value on the X Axis before selecting by legend, the parent chart will filter as expected and only show the data of the relevant selected item in the parent chart and any other charts on the same category.
Multi-series parent chart - selected by x-axis and legend
Puppeteer Upgrade (Zendesk#21670)
Puppeteer library has been upgraded to version 14.1.2. This fixes the problem with the chromium browser throwing status_stack_buffer_overrun error in certain environments.
Fail to get multiple api tokens on fresh clean db installation (pi#1064)
Migrations/ API
Users will now be able to get multiple tokens via api in parallel for a user, whose password does not expire, on a clean fresh db.
Double clicking save button on various screens (pi#1066)
Configuration Screens
When a user double clicked the ‘Save’ icon in quick succession on any screen in Dashboard Configuration that contained a ‘Save’ icon, an error message was being displayed. With effect from this release of the dashboard, this error message will no longer be displayed.
Chart Types overlapping in Chart Editor (pi#1123)
Chart Editor
When users tried to change a bar chart to a different type of chart, in Chart Editor, the chart types were overlapping on the Chart screen after the new chart type had been selected.
In the following example, we are changing a Bar chart to an Area chart. After searching for the Area chart and clicking on it, the two chart types are overlapping.
From this release, all chart types will now display correctly in Chart Editor.
Adding or amending data connections (pi#1214)
Data Connections
Users were not able to add a new or amend an existing data connection when using Dashboard Configuration>Data Connections. Releases prior to July 2022 were not affected.
Drill Down levels on charts with Date Range Category Objects (pi#1238)
Drill Down were not working correctly when created on charts in Categories that contained a Date Range Category Object.
User restrictions - API (pi#1249)
User restrictions that were created in the API were not present in the dashboard.
Driver classpath value is not saved for free format jdbc (pi#1253)
Data Connections
The classpath value was not saved when creating or modifying a free-format jdbc connection.
Colour node on Analytics charts (pi#1254)
Chart Types
Users were unable to change the colours on the Analytic chart type.
Anonymous charts (pi#1255)
Chart Types
Charts that were set as anonymous were not being displayed without users having to log in to the dashboard.
Drill down on Analytic charts (pi#1256)
Chart Types
Drill down levels were not working on the Analytic chart type.
Override data connections when only one data connection exists (pi#1265)
Data Connections
Users were unable to override a data connection in dashboards that only contained one data connection.
Category objects not being replaced when ‘Filter’ checkbox is unticked (pi#1310)
Category Objects
When un-ticking the ‘Filter’ checkbox in Dashboard Configuration> Categories, the category object was not being replaced. Category objects are now being replaced correctly.
Word and PowerPoint exports - Merged tables missing content (Renderer#53)
Chart Downloads
Merged tables were missing content when exported as PowerPoint or Word single downloads. Now, the Word & PowerPoint downloads will display all rows of the merged table. In addition, once the file is opened, the rows of the table will also be editable instead of being sent as an image.
Migrations not running if ports changed (Configuration Tool#115)
Configuration Tool
Migrations were not running when the ports had been changed.
Decimal Rounding (Zendesk#7582)
There were some inconsistencies with how values were displayed on charts due to the way decimals were rounded. The total was previously calculated by adding all the individual values together and then rounding the total.
Each individual point will now be rounded and then added together to produce the total figure.
This change affects:
Data visualisations
Data labels
Dynamic targets
For the following:
Individual points
Total points
in all chart types where relevant.
In addition to the above, visualisations for the scatter and bubble charts & dynamic targets will now also display rounded values.
Error message for deleted charts (Zendesk#8863)
Chart Display
When a chart has been deleted from a Category, using Category Access, the error message displayed when users view this Category will now say ‘This chart has been deleted’.
Correct number of attributes now shown in Chart Editor (Zendesk#11911,18455,9488)
Chart Editor
In Chart Editor, any attribute that is toggled on or off will contribute to the count shown beneath the Attributes tab. In the following screenshot, we can see that 2 attributes have been selected.
Categories without category objects will not show an empty panel even if it’s pinned (Zendesk#12166)
Category Objects
If the category object panel is pinned, and no Category Objects are being used on the category the category objects panel will not be displayed. For example, if you were using Category Objects and pinned the category objects panel and then removed the Category Objects the category objects panel would be automatically unpinned and hidden from view on that Category.
Irrelevant numbers will not be shown in the Edit Chart screen (Zendesk#12170)
Chart Editor
When targets have been added to a chart, a number representing the number of targets will be visible beneath the Target tab in Chart Editor.
If the chart type is then changed to a chart type that does not support Targets, the target settings will be removed.
This will also apply to Filters and Sorting if the chart type is changed to a chart type that does not support these features.
Resizing dashboard cells that include the Lightbulb chart type (Zendesk#12328)
Dashboard Display
Cells that contain Lightbulb charts, or any chart type that includes a sparkline for example, a Speedometer, can now be made smaller vertically by dragging the cell border.
Default Colour field has been removed for data tables (Zendesk#14814)
Chart Editor
The ‘Default Colour’ field on the Colours tab, when editing data tables in the Edit Chart Screen, has been removed. This is because data tables don’t support default colour definition.
Removed undesirable border for embedding (Zendesk#18321)
Dashboard Display
Undesirable border on the dashboard has been removed so that when embedding the dashboard using an iframe a left and a right border is not displayed.
Consistency in chart editor for combined charts (Zendesk#19209)
Chart Editor
In Chart Editor for Combined Charts, the Attributes tab will now correctly show the chosen Chart Types.
In the following example, we can see that Area has been selected for the first Y Axis and Bar for the second Y Axis. This information is correctly reflected in the Matrix grid beneath the chosen chart types.
Update to prevent dashboard password synchronisation if the default is changed (Zendesk#19280)
Data Connection
In very rare cases, if the dashboard data connection details were not stored in the expected record, the system tried to update the connection password when the dashboard was started. This has been changed, so the system only updates the password to be in sync with the one stored in the file if we know for sure the target connection is the dashboard connection.
Error when exporting a table to Excel with long text content (Zendesk#19472)
Excel Export
An error was occurring, and the file was not downloaded, when a table was exported to Excel if cells in the table contained a lot of text. With effect from this release of the dashboard, this will no longer happen.
A cell in an Excel file has a maximum of 32767 characters, any text exceeding this length would be trimmed. A cell with such lengthy content can cause Excel to not respond when editing such a cell.
Empty Chart breaks the Scheduler (Zendesk#19513,19599,19605,19793,20398)
Empty charts were causing scheduler to display an error relating to incorrect user permissions. In this release, if the chart is empty and the ‘Data’ tab is not ticked, an empty chart will be scheduled to email.
An issue with the card chart and analytics chart types being scheduled has also been resolved. If a card chart or analytics chart type is being scheduled, it will now send out an email with no errors being displayed.
Existing Category Objects will be displayed in Chart Editor when creating a new chart (Zendesk#19531)
Chart Editor
When a Category Object with a default value has been added to a Category and a new chart is created on that Category (in an empty cell) the Category Object will be visible on the Filters screen in Chart Editor when the new chart is being created.
In this example, the Category contains a Category Object with a default value of 2022.
When we add a new chart to this Category, the Filters screen, in Chart Editor, correctly shows the default value for the Category Object.
Multi picker filter now allows you to select multiple items in a 1.5 second time frame (Zendesk#19700,19719,20661)
Category Objects
Using the CTRL click method, users will be able to select multiple items from a Multi Picker category object within a 1.5 second time frame before the search box closes and the query is executed.
Object referencing for tables and joins (Zendesk#19746)
Chart Display
When object referencing (#~ObjectName~#) has been used in a Table WHERE clause, charts with such setup will now be displayed correctly.
Apostrophes within category objects not being escaped in table select statement, table where clause and free hand SQL (Zendesk#19809,20665,21349)
Category Objects
Previously, there was an issue where apostrophes/single quotes were not being escaped within category objects referenced within certain places needed for the SQL. This included:
Table SELECT statement
Table WHERE clause
Free hand SQL on the chart editor
Additionally, whilst addressing this issue we noticed that category objects were not being replaced at all within the order by statement in the data objects and have also made this change.
Console error when trying to reset a category that has parent filters applied (Zendesk#19907)
Dashboard Display
When users clicked on the ‘Reset to the default view of the category’ icon on a Category that contained a Parent and Child chart and the browser console was open, the default view was reset but an error message was being displayed in the browser console. This will no longer happen with effect from this release of the dashboard.
Category Object definition on data connection imports (Zendesk#19951)
Data Connections
When the system contained a category with a category object that was set to drop list and the same category was imported containing a multi-select list, the target system was not being updated with the correct category object settings i.e. multi-select.
You can now successfully save excel spreadsheets with special characters (Zendesk#19989)
Excel Reader
All special characters within Excel spreadsheet headers and table names are now converted to either an underscore or a blank space, so they can now be successfully saved to the database.
Please bear in mind, that if you’re trying to save 2 spreadsheets with the same table name except that the name of one of the spreadsheets contains a special character, they will overwrite each other in the database when they’re imported as they will end up with the same name. For example, both “!test_data” and “&test_data” will be saved as “pi_excel_test_data” to the database.
You can find more information here.
Error when using the ‘Schedule this chart’ icon (Zendesk#20036,20572)
Schedule Charts
When users clicked the ‘Schedule this chart’ icon in Chart Tools, the Schedule screen was not displaying a list of users to select from. With effect from this release of the dashboard, the list of users will be displayed as expected.
Category Objects using an index field to replace filter (Zendesk#20047,20774)
There was a problem when using category filters with index fields to replace text on a filter, the behaviour was changed in the previous release. This is to revert the change so that some very specific scenarios work the same as before.
User can still edit chart when there are errors on the chart (Zendesk#20147)
If a chart has an error, users will still be able to edit the chart by clicking the ‘Edit chart’ icon in the Chart Tools menu.
Updated Theming for Category Objects panel (Zendesk#20201)
A new CSS class has been added called pi-style__category-objects_panel-content
. This allows users to add gaps to the whole Category Object panel. Without this addition, adding gaps to pi-style__category-objects-top-panel
resulted in unnecessary gaps when there were no category objects on the screen.
The new CSS class can be found in Dashboard Configuration>Themes>Style>Dashboard.
Changing themes on the user account screen (Zendesk#20218)
When a user changes their own theme by clicking their name in the ‘More Options’ section at the top-right of the dashboard
they will need to specify their password in order to save the changes.
‘Can Access Account’ permission linked to ‘Can Change Own Theme’ and ‘Can Change Own Password’ (Zendesk#20351)
The ‘Can Change Own Password' and 'Can Change Own Theme' permissions are now linked to the 'Can Access Account' permission. Users need to be able to access the Account screen, accessed by selecting the user name under 'More Options’ at the top-right of the dashboard, to change their password and theme.
If you tick either the ‘Can Change Own Password’ or ‘Can Change Own Theme’ permissions in Dashboard Configuration>Users, the ‘Can Access Account’ permission will be selected by default.
Similarly, if you untick the ‘Can Access Account’ permission, ‘Can Change Own Password’ and ‘Can Change Own Theme’ will also be unticked.
The ‘Can Access Account’ can be ticked without selecting ‘Can Access Account’ and ‘Can Change Own Password’ permissions. In this case, the user will only be able to amend their name and password.
Background image transparency on logon screen will not affect the whole page (Zendesk#20376)
When background opacity has been set on .pi-style__login-screen__background-image
the opacity will only apply to the image and not the entire logon screen.
Removed undesirable !important definition for app logo (Zendesk#20458)
Undesirable CSS definition has been removed on .pi-style__page-top-nav__logo
so that !important is no longer needed in order to define line-height and height.
Image and text retained on Card Charts regardless of whether the chart contains a dimension or measure (Zendesk#20608)
Card Chart
Images and text will now be retained on Card Charts that do not contain Dimensions and Measures.
Previously when a Card Chart didn’t have a dimension or measure, but contained a drill down level, the image was removed after saving the chart.
Importing Data Connections (Zendesk#20671,20967)
Data Connection
In some instances, import of data connections would fail due to multiple objects with the same identifier being present in memory. This has been resolved in this release of the dashboard.
Scrollable categories not working when user doesn’t have the ‘Can Modify Layouts’ permission (Zendesk#21019)
When the height of a category was set to anything other than the default setting, for example 1.5 or 2, users who did not have the ‘Can Modify Layouts’ permission were unable to scroll in the category.
Merged tables not working in pi Reports (Zendesk#21086,21345)
pi Reports
When a report was created that included a merged table, only part of the data in the report was sent when the report was scheduled.
Importing data connections into the April 2022 release (Zendesk#21097)
Data Connections
Importing a data connection from an earlier release of the dashboard was failing due to a constraint error.
Updating to the April 2022 release breaks embedding (Zendesk#21118)
Embedding was not working when updating from an earlier version of the dashboard to the current dashboard release.
Option to exclude the Data Connection when importing a connection (Zendesk#21142)
Data Connections
When importing a data connection that has different connection details to the system you are importing it into, unticking this box will ensure that the connection details are not overwritten.
Remember to tick one other thing so that you have something to import.
Reports that contain a header or footer (Zendesk#21146)
pi Reports
Reports that contain a header or footer were not displaying correctly when exported.
Error message when installing the April 2022 dashboard (Zendesk#21175)
An error message was being displayed when a clean install was done with non-default ports.
Session timeout (Zendesk#21179)
The dashboard session timeout (set in Dashboard Configuration>Settings>General Settings was not being honoured in Grails 3.
Data Connection - Introspection (Zendesk#21259)
Data Connections
Data connection introspection (any test button) was not working correctly.
Windows Authentication for Active Directory functionality restored after upgrade (Zendesk#21309)
Windows authentication support was disabled after significant upgrades recently required the functionality to be reworked. The functionality is now restored for customers wishing to use it.
Importing a data connection via the API fails to override the connection details of an existing connection (Zendesk#21361)
When using the API to import a data connection to override an existing connection, in order to include connection details, an additional flag is needed for this version of the dashboard.
So previously the request content was:
"json": {...} // json file content
This version needs the isConnectionSelected flag
"isConnectionSelected": true,
"json": {...} // json file content
This issue only affects the API. There is no problem if you use the UI for connection importing
This issue only affects importing a connection to override one with the same name in the system. If the system doesn't have such a connection, this flag is not needed
This flag only affects data connection details. It doesn't affect object, charts, categories and so on, which are working exactly the same as in previous versions of the dashboard
We are fixing this problem, so the next version of the dashboard will not need this additional "isConnectionSelected" flag
Scheduler throws an error when sending Merged Tables & Charts (Zendesk#21387)
The Scheduler was displaying an error in the UI, which was related to user permissions when a merged table or merged chart was being scheduled. The scheduler will now send out the merged tables and charts correctly with no errors present in the dashboard.
Emailed reports not showing charts in default theme (Zendesk#21403)
When using the default theme, emailed reports were not showing the lines or bars in charts. This was only happening when using the default theme - all other themes were working as expected.
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