Sources of filters in a Dashboard

Filter sources

There are many ways of filtering a chart, each with their own purposes.

  1. Parent Filters - (affects all charts) by clicking on a data point of a parent chart

  2. Temporary Filters - (affects one chart) via the Chart Tools

  3. Drill Filters - (affects one chart) by clicking on a data point

  4. Category Filters - (affect all charts) selecting a value for the pre-configured category filters

  5. Chart Filters - (affects one chart) pre-configured filters on a chart

Filter priority

When a filter is in conflict, i.e. the same object is present on multiple filter sources, only one of them is applied. The priority of these filters matches the order above where Parent Filters have the highest priority and Chart Filters, the lowest.

This means that if a chart is affected by:

  • (Temporary Filter) Region = South

  • (Chart Filter) Region = North

Then the chart’s WHERE clause will only contain the equivalent to Region = 'South'.

Similarly, if we now click on a parent chart that produces the filter Region = West, then the other chart will be affected by:

  • (Parent Filter) Region = West

  • (Temporary Filter) Region = South

  • (Chart Filter) Region = North

And at this point, the WHERE clause will container the equivalent to Region = 'West'.