How do I change the position of the Chart Links buttons?

Chart Links are used to allow users to see different views of the data or to see the data presented in a different way. Please take a look at our page on how to create Chart Links for more information.

By default, Chart Links will always be displayed in the bottom-right corner of a chart cell. Depending on the type of chart you’ve used in the cell, the link buttons can sometimes reduce the available space for the chart and this can, in turn, make the chart harder to read.

By moving the position of the Chart Links, you can increase the available space for your chart.

To change the position of Chart Links, click the ‘Edit chart’ icon under Chart Tools.

In the Chart Editor screen, click ‘Config’ at the top-left of the screen.

Change the position of the Link buttons by clicking the relevant option and either click the ‘Save’ icon to return to the Dashboard or the ‘Chart Editor’ icon to make additional changes to the chart.