Logging In To Your Dashboard
After clicking the dashboard link, you will be presented with the login screen.
At the login screen, you will need to enter the username and password supplied by your System Administrator. Enter your credentials and hit the 'Login' button in the bottom right-hand corner.
Invalid username or password
If you enter either a username or password combination that is invalid, you will receive the message shown below. You will need to re-enter your username and password and retry.
The username is not case sensitive, but the password is.
To prevent forced entry attacks your username will enter the tarpit if you get your password wrong multiple times. This will result in exponentially longer wait times between retries and will indicate how long you must wait before retrying. If you get into difficulty, your System Administrator will need to re-save your user account to clear the tarpit.
Password Expired/ Update your password
You may see the message shown below from time to time, and you'll probably get it when you first login. It means that your username and password is correct, but that your password has expired, and you now need to provide a new one.
Type the new password, and confirm it, in the second box. Then click 'Change and Login'.
The values must match, and they are case sensitive. If you see this message, then re-type and try again.
Finally, when entering your new password, you could see the following message.
This is because your password is not complex enough. Your System Administrator can put minimum requirements for passwords into the system and if your new password doesn't match these requirements you'll see the 'Invalid password' message. Try using a password that contains a mixture of case, characters, and numbers, e.g., turn a phrase like 'I Love Data' into IL0v3D.
Logged in
Once you have logged in, you should be presented with the default dashboard, which (on a brand-new installation) is just a series of simple charts over the Dashboard itself. If you see a blank screen after login, or you see the following error message, your System Administrator has not allocated any categories (dashboard pages) to you, you will need to speak to them to request access.
You will only have access to the categories granted to you by the System Administrator. If you have been assigned categories but still can't see anything then the most common reason is that a default layout hasn't been saved.