How to check if a Label has been used for a Category

When you’ve assigned labels to Categories it can sometimes get confusing trying to remember what names you’ve used and which Category you added them to. You could, of course, check every Category in your system - which could take a very long time or, you could read this article and make your task a lot easier.


In your Data Connections, you may have noticed a repository called Dashboard Repos and probably not really understood what it was there for. This is one way you could use it:

  1. In Dashboard Configuration>Data Connections, click on ‘Dashboard Repos’

  2. You need to find a table called ‘mis_categories’. If you can’t see this in the list of tables that have currently been added, you will need to add it. To do this, click the ‘Add Table’ icon at the top-left of the screen

  3. Click ‘Select from Schema’ and expand your scheme. In my case, my database name is ‘dashboard’. Find the ‘mis_categories’ table and expand it by clicking the ‘Expand’ icon. This will show all columns in this table

  4. Find the column called ‘Label’, select it and click ‘Generate’ at the bottom-right of the screen

  5. If you need to, you can rename this column. I’ve renamed mine to ‘Category Label'. I also added another object called ‘Description’ and renamed that as 'Category Description’

  6. You will now be able to use these objects in a Data Table on your Dashboard and you’ll be able to see what labels have been used and which Category they were used on