Users cannot see charts that have been added to a Category


You’ve created a new Category and added charts from the Library but users are saying they can’t see the charts.


This will probably be because the charts were created on a Category that they don’t have access to. If you’re happy for them to see everything else on the same Category you can simply just give them access to the Category that the charts belong to. Please have a look at this article for more information. If, however, you have sensitive content that you would prefer certain users not to see you can follow the instructions belong:

  1. Firstly, you need to find out which Category a chart belongs to. Click the ‘Chart Tools’ icon at the top-right of a chart cell and click the ‘Chart Information’ icon

  2. The ‘Chart Info’ tab will show which Category the chart belongs to

  3. In Dashboard Configuration>User Access, you will need to add this Category to either the Role or the User (this will depend on how you’re managing User Access)

  4. To ensure that Users will only be able to see the charts that you’ve used from this Category and not everything on the Category you will need to select the Category but DO NOT click the parent Category. In the following screenshot, we can see that the ‘Human Resources’ Category has been selected but the parent Category ‘Try Pi’ has not been selected. This means that Users will be able to see charts that belong to the Human Resources Category and were added to their Category but not the Human Resources Category itself