New Users - No content
You’ve created a new user, but they say they can’t see anything on the Dashboard. Giving a user access to the Dashboard is only the first step in the process. Setting up an account will only allow a user to logon to the Dashboard, next you need to decide what you want them to be able to see.
If they’ve said they can’t see anything at all.
This will probably be because you haven’t set up User Access and given them access to any Categories. Users can be given access to Categories either at User level or by assigning a Role to them.
User Level
In Dashboard Configuration>User Access, click the User option and select the name of the user you want to assign the Categories to. Click the Categories that you want to assign and the click the ‘Save’ icon
Role Level
In Dashboard Configuration>User Access, click the User option select the name of the user you want to assign the Role to. Click the Role that you want to assign and the click the ‘Save’ icon
If they’ve said that they can’t see some of the charts on a Category
This will probably be because the charts were created on a Category that the user does not have access to.
The charts that are on the Category that you’ve given them access to may actually belong to a different Category that the user doesn’t have access to and that’s why they won’t be able to see any content.
To rectify this, you’ll need to either give the user additional access to the Category containing the charts, please see this document for more information, or if this isn’t an option you could, if possible, move the charts to the Category that the user has access to. Alternatively, you may need to recreate the charts on relevant Category.
You can move individual charts by clicking ‘Edit chart’ in the chart tools menu and then clicking ‘Config’ at the top-left of the screen. The Chart Category field will show the Category that the chart currently belongs to, click the drop-down and choose the new Category - remember to click the ‘Save’ icon to confirm the change
If you need to move multiple charts you can do this by clicking Dashboard Configuration > Category Access. Select the Category containing the charts on the left-hand side, choose the charts that you want to move and then click the ‘To Move’ button. You’ll now be able to select which Category you want to move them to
Before moving charts to different Categories please check that this doesn’t have an impact on other users.
If they’ve said that they can’t see new content that has just been created.
Did you remember to ‘Save as Default Layout’?
You may have made changes to the Category and not saved the changes as the ‘Default Layout’. This would mean that users will not see the new content. This could happen if you were still building the Category before the user was given access to it or if you made changes to an existing Category after they were given access.
When you’ve made changes to a Category and you want other users to be able to see the changes, remember to save the changes.
Click the ‘Manage layout’ icon at the top of the dashboard and selecting ‘Save as Default Layout’
For further information on all of the options mentioned above, please use the documents listed below in ‘Related Topics’.