July 2023 Dashboard Release Notes
Release Name | Release Date | Description |
pi.2023_07 | Jul 27, 2023 | Initial Release |
pi.2023_07.1 | Jul 31, 2023 | Resolves an issue with slow Tomcat start up times (dashboard-deployment#73) |
pi.2023_07.2* | - | Non public patch release |
pi.2023_07.3* | - | Non public patch release, for Panintelligence only |
pi.2023_07.4 | Aug 22, 2023 | Resolves an issue with user and role variable replacement not functioning correctly (#1984) |
*non public patch release, and therefore not made available to all customers
Always use the latest point release (if available) for any major version at it will contain important fixes.
We have several ways that you can get hold of the latest release - see our Download Options page for more details
We are pleased to present our latest offering of pi - our July 2023 product release! This page helps summarise the areas of the dashboard we have Added, Changed, or Fixed meaning you can make a quick and informed decision on when to upgrade to the latest release.
Before upgrading, we always recommend that you review ALL release notes, from the version you are considering upgrading from and to. This is essential should there be a material change that could impact you or your customers. Where possible, upgrading to a test instance first can be helpful.
Before attempting an upgrade, you should always backup your repository. This allows you to quickly roll back should you wish or need to. You can find more information on how to do that here.
Here is what is included in the release.
- 1 Product Release
- 1.1 Added
- 1.2 Changed
- 1.3 Fixed
- 1.3.1 Exception when refreshing post-logout page
- 1.3.2 Parent filter segment not highlighting when object contains "&" symbol
- 1.3.3 Zero values not showing when “Show Data Values” is on and Charts, with all values as zero not rendering correctly
- 1.3.4 Drill down on merged tables not working when ‘show row numbers’ is toggled on
- 1.3.5 Frequent CSS sanitizer log message - “Dropped CSS Property } because it failed whitelist check"
- 1.3.6 Mobile CSS styles being removed from the CSS style file of a theme
- 1.3.7 Non super administrators cannot save themes after editing
- 1.3.8 'Display Date' appearing as a day behind the day it should in time zones behind UTC
- 1.3.9 Issues with saving user access screen
- 1.3.10 Issues with slow Tomcat startup
- 1.3.11 User and role variable replacement not working in reports
- 1.4 Schema Changes
Product Release
Improved Administrator auditing | pi#1582 | 25085, 26181, 26388 & 26464 | Auditing |
Auditing has been added for a number of administrator activities across the dashboard. When performing any of the below actions, a record will now be added to the dashboard table MIS_AUDITS with relevant information for the activity. This auditing will occur when performing the action through the UI or the API unless otherwise stated.
The newly added auditing covers:
Activity | Additional Information | Applied To |
Saved Category Access | Moved Category, Chart, Data Connection, Report, Schedule, Objects to a Category | UI & API |
Saved User Access | Added a Category to a User, a Role to a User or a Category to a Role | UI & API |
Deleted User Access | Removed Category from a User, a Role from a User or a Category from a Role) | UI & API |
Saved Theme | - | UI & API |
Deleted Theme | - | UI & API |
Saved API Request | - | UI & API |
Deleted API Request | - | UI & API |
Saved General Settings | Settings Tab | UI |
Saved Global Variables | Settings Tab | UI |
Deleted Category | - | UI & API |
Deleted Data Connection | - | UI & API |
Deleted Report | - | UI & API |
Deleted Role | - | UI & API |
Deleted Schedule | - | UI & API |
Deleted User | - | UI & API |
For a comprehensive list of all audited activities please see our Auditing page.
Object Referencing in Chart Filters | pi#1692 | 24537 | Chart Filters Object Referencing |
It is now possible to use Object References in Chart Filters, by supplying the name of the object in question flanked by #~ ~#.
The table below details which operators can and cannot be used when using Object Referencing in Chart Filters;
Can Be Used | Cannot Be Used |
When using an object reference the object will be resolved in the SQL, allowing you to filter on the associated values. Where the referenced object is from a table that is not used in the creation of the chart (but the tables have a join), adding the filter will force the join of the tables to allow the filter to be applied.
To learn more about this topics, please refer to our Object Referencing page.
New Magic Variables relating to ‘Last Month’ | pi#1273 | 21245 & 24707 | Magic Variables |
Three new magic variables have been added:
VARIABLE | Description |
LAST_MONTH | Returns a string representation of the 2 digit numerical representation of last month i.e. in October (10) this Magic Variable would return “09” because the prior month was September |
LAST_MONTH_NAME | Gives the full text version of last month’s name e.g. “September” |
LAST_MONTH_SHORT_NAME | Gives the 3 character shortened version of last month’s name e.g. “Sep” |
For more information on magic variable, please take a look at our Magic Variables page.
A new editable CSS class to allow the styling of chart header icons when the 'Display Chart Info' permission is disabled | pi#1753 | 24142 & 26546 | Themes / Chart Display |
Previously icons in the top left of a chart panel header could be styled via editing the Theme’s ‘.pi-style__chart-panel__header .panel .paper-button' block (under the “Chart Panel” tab). This styling would only apply to these icons for users that had the ‘Display Chart Info’ permission enabled.
Now, a separate class has been added '.pi-style__chart-panel__header .chart-multi-icons-non-clickable-button’ (next to the previously mentioned one) to style these elements for those users that have the permission disabled.
Upgrade to Tomcat 8.5.90 | dashboard-deployment#70 | 27222, 27092 & 26964 | Dependencies |
Tomcat has been upgraded to the latest bugfix release 8.5.90
Upgrade Java to Eclipse Temurin 8.0.372 (Windows only) | dashboard-deployment#72 | 26995 | Dependencies |
Java for Windows installations has been migrated to Eclipse Temurin build 8.0.372
Upgrade 7-Zip to 23.01 | dashboard-deployment#71 | 26964 | Dependencies |
7-Zip has been updated to version 23.01
Preparation work for upgrade of Angular | pi#1600, pi#1597 & pi#1594 | - | Frameworks |
Code changes made to facilitate a future Angular upgrade.
Preparation work for upgrade of Grails | pi#1810 | - | Frameworks |
Code changes made to facilitate a future Grails upgrade.
Exception when refreshing post-logout page | pi#1814 | 26559 | Logout |
If the post-logout page threw an exception it was manually refreshed. This has now been resolved.
Parent filter segment not highlighting when object contains "&" symbol | pi#1754 | 25118 | Parent Filters |
Resolved an issue with the objects containing special characters, including "&" symbol, not being highlighted when clicked as part of a parent chart. Any value selected in the parent chart will now be highlighted.
Zero values not showing when “Show Data Values” is on and Charts, with all values as zero not rendering correctly | pi#1743 | 23660 | Chart Display |
Fixed a couple of issues with how zero values were being rendered on charts.
Firstly, data value labels were not being applied to zero values when “Show Data Values” was selected in the chart’s Attributes tab.
Secondly, a chart that had all of its values as zero would fail to render the y-axis and the line representing those zero-value points.
Now, in situations were all of the values are zero, the y-axis will render as if the max was set to 1 - as shown by chart on the left-hand side of the image below. An alternative, centralised way to display this data can be achieved by setting the ‘Interval’ for this axis in the chart’s Attributes tab to any value - as shown by the chart on the right-hand side of the image below:
Drill down on merged tables not working when ‘show row numbers’ is toggled on | pi#1740 | 22294 | Merged Tables |
Previously, when you had ‘show row numbers’ toggled on for a merged table, you would be unable to drill down if one of the tables being merged had a drill down level beneath it. Now, you can drill down successfully with this option toggled on.
Frequent CSS sanitizer log message - “Dropped CSS Property } because it failed whitelist check" | pi#1832 | 26683 | Themes, Logging |
The message above would frequently appear in logs and the source of the '}' was unknown and would consistently reappear. Now, the cause has been identified and fixed.
Mobile CSS styles being removed from the CSS style file of a theme | pi#1832 | - | Themes |
Previously, custom theme styling related to the ‘Mobile’ theming would not always been retained when restarting the Dashboard due to being removed from the CSS file associated with that theme. Now the styling is correctly retained.
Non super administrators cannot save themes after editing | pi#1936 | 27130 | Themes |
In the previous release a standard administrator user could not save themes, unless they were the super administrator. This has been resolved.
'Display Date' appearing as a day behind the day it should in time zones behind UTC | pi#1925 | 26961 | Dates / Filters |
Previously, a date selected in a Date Picker category object (for example) could have its ‘Display Date’ representation be a day behind the entered value for users located in time zones behind UTC. Now, the date(s) selected in a Date Picker should display the expected date whilst retaining their locale-based formatting.
Issues with saving user access screen | #1914 | 26978 | Administration |
Previously you would be unable to save the user access screen in certain scenarios. This has now been resolved.
Issues with slow Tomcat startup | dashboard-deployment#73 |
| Startup |
In the initial July 23 release, Tomcat took longer than usual to startup because of some incorrect configuration applied. This has been resolved in 2023_07.1.
User and role variable replacement not working in reports | #1984 | 27403 | Reporting |
Fixed an issue where user and role variable replacement was not working in the reports and, if available, was defaulting to the variables set at the global level. This has been resolved in 2023_07.4.
Schema Changes
Update ORG_ID column in MIS_SERVER_CONFIG to be nullable | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Update ORG_ID column in MIS_CUSTOM_FONTS to be nullable | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Update ORG_ID column in MIS_SECURITY_CONFIG to be nullable | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Update ORG_ID column in PANCREDIT_PARAMETERS to be nullable | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Update ORG_ID column in GATEWAY_PARAMETERS to be nullable | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID foreign key in GATEWAY_PARAMETERS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID foreign key in MIS_SECURITY_CONFIG | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID foreign key in MIS_SERVER_CONFIG | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID foreign key in PANCREDIT_PARAMETERS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID foreign key in MIS_CUSTOM_FONTS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID index in GATEWAY_PARAMETERS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID index in PANCREDIT_PARAMETERS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID index in MIS_SERVER_CONFIG | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID index in MIS_SECURITY_CONFIG | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove LABEL index in MIS_CUSTOM_FONTS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Remove ORG_ID index in MIS_CUSTOM_FONTS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Add LABEL index to MIS_CUSTOM_FONTS | pi#1630 | - | Database |
Add SUBSCRIPTION column to MIS_USERS | pi#1827 | - | Database |