September 2023 Dashboard Release Notes

September 2023 Dashboard Release Notes

September 23

Release Name

Release Date


Release Name

Release Date



Sep 28, 2023

Initial Release


Oct 10, 2023

None public release, including change #2054


Oct 11, 2023

Public Patched Release, addressed Chrome Security Vulnerability (CVE-2023-5217)… see ConfigurationTool#128 & #87


We have several ways that you can get hold of the latest release - see our Download Options page for more details.

Before upgrading, we always recommend that you review ALL release notes, from the version you are considering upgrading from and to. This is essential should there be a material change that could impact you or your customers. We always advise that you take a backup of your repository before beginning an upgrade, and recommend testing out the new software on a test environment first.

IMPORTANT - Maria All In One Container Images - from our October 23 release we will be deprecating our Maria All In One Container images due to limited use and improved solutions - see more information HERE to ensure you are not impacted by this change.


We are pleased to present our latest offering of pi - our September 2023 product release! This page helps summarise the areas of the dashboard we have Added, Changed, or Fixed meaning you can make a quick and informed decision on when to upgrade to the latest release.


Here is what is included in the release.

Product Release


New Chart Attributes - Drill to the top level on Full Screen Close



Drill Down

There is already an option to force the display into full screen mode when drilling down on a chart (labelled “Full screen to display this level”); now, there is a new option labelled “Drill to top on full screen close“ to complement this functionality by ensuring that when you close the full screen display it also drills to the top level chart rather than remaining on the current drill level.

This new checkbox can be found in the Attributes tab of the Chart Editor beneath the “Full screen to display this level” checkbox as shown in the image below:

 At present this is only supported for a conventional drill path and not drill to chart, dynamic drill etc.



Tomcat Library Upgrade v8.5.93




Apache tomcat has been upgraded to version 8.5.93.





Logos on Word Document exports being cut-off at the top




Previously, logos that would render correctly with other exports types could have the top of them cut-off when exporting to a Word Document.


Horizontal scrolling improved on cross tab tables on mobile devices



Data Tables, Mobile

Previously, on mobile, cross tabs would be difficult to scroll on horizontally due to the fact that the table pins any dimensions that lie outside of the cross tab section to the left of the table. This can cause the whole scroll-able part of the table on the right to be hidden. Now, on mobile, columns are no longer pinned to the left, allowing you to scroll freely across the entire table.


Docker log content retained after roll-over of log files




Previously some log content could not be captured and output to docker logs after midnight when a container is running as the files roll over to a new day.


Logs not being output and/or written




Previously, some logs that should have been outputted and/or written to log files were missing.


Drill To Top (On Full Screen Close) Not Working With Drill To Chart



Drill Functionality

Where the drill to chart has been used, when drilling back up to the top level of a chart (when using full screen mode), this not functions as expected.


Response to Security Vulnerability CVE-2023-5217 - remote code execution in Chrome

ConfigurationTool#128 & #87



Upgrade of Electron to 117.0.5938.132 and Puppeteer to 117.0.5938.132. For further information, please see HERE.




Schema Changes

No changes