Configuring Windows Authentication
Please note that these instructions are for Dashboards that are installed on a Windows server.
Log into the Dashboard as a user who has access to the configuration tab. Usually the Admin user.
After logging in, click ‘Dashboard Configuration’ at the top right of the dashboard.
Click the ‘Users’ tab in the top ribbon.
At this point will need to create a user with the same ‘UserCode’ as the one you log in with on your machine.
Tick the option ‘Allow External Login’
Don't forget to hit 'Save'.
Now you will need to create a global variable under ‘Settings'. Click the 'Settings’ tab in Dashboard Configuration.
To create a new variable, click on the plus button icon on the right.
In the 'Variable Value' enter the domain the users are on.
Once this has been configured, ensure that you save the settings by selecting the save icon in the top left.
Once this has been configured, you will need to navigate to where the dashboard is installed and find the ‘admin.exe’ file usually located in the file path: *INSTALL_DIRECTORY*\Dashboard\PortSelector
Run the file as an Administrator.
Select the option to ‘Stop Services and Enter Admin’.
Once the dashboard configuration box appears navigate to the ‘Authentication’ tab along the top and tick ‘Enable Dashboard SSO/Windows Authentication’.
Click ‘Save Authentication Settings’ and ‘Close & Start Dashboard Service’.
Once the services have come back up and running, navigate to your browser, close any instances of the dashboard and reopen them.
You should find that this takes you straight the homepage of the dashboard for the user configured for SSO.