Using Object Replacement in Chart Titles
When specifying a Chart title, you can also use object replacement to further explain any filters that have been applied to the chart. When an object, Dimension or Measure, is referred to it must always be enclosed in double curly braces, for example {{Employee Count}}. This is known as object replacement and can be used almost anywhere to replace an object with a value, the value usually comes from a filter. To add object replacement to a Chart title please follow the instructions listed below.
Click into the Chart title field. Type the standard text that you want to include in the title for example. ‘Number of employees over….’
When you want to pick up the information from the object used in the ‘Filter’ section, type the name of the object enclosed in double curly braces. For example, ‘Number of employees over {{Employee Count}}’.
The name of the object must be typed exactly as it appears in the data source; this includes making sure that the case matches in addition to the spelling. For example, if the object name was entered as {{employee count}} using lower case letters it would appear in the chart title as ‘Number of employees over {{employee count}}’ – although the spelling is correct, the case isn’t and therefore the value from the object would not be picked up.
A filter was applied to this chart that only shows job roles that have more than 100 employees. By using the object name ‘{{Employee Count}}’ in the Chart title we can use this field to explain the filter.
Using Object Replacement is a better option than using text only in the Chart title or Chart subtitle fields because it will constantly update every time the filter criteria is changed for example, If the information on the Filter page is changed to show employee numbers over 200, the Chart title will update automatically with the changes. If you use text only for example, ‘Employee numbers over 100’ you will need to remember to change the title every time you change the filter criteria.
The Chart title field can also be used to create a chart title at each drill down level, please refer to the section Drill Down levels for full details on how to set up a drill down level.
To set a different title for each drill down level, select the relevant drill down level on the left-hand side of the ‘Edit chart’ screen and follow the instructions listed above.
The following example shows that 2 drill levels have been created for this chart. The second level has been selected, which means that any attributes we change, including the chart title, will apply to this level.
If an object name is used in a title for a drill level, you can use this to explain the drill level in more detail.
The Pie chart, in the following screenshot, has been filtered to show job roles that have more than 100 employees. When a user clicks on a segment of the Pie chart, the drill level will show the Attrition and split between gender for the selected job role. The Chart title added to the drill level uses the object name {{Job Role}} from the previous level.
This functionality can be used to create a ‘breadcrumb’ trail as you drill down through the levels, reminding the user what was selected at the prior level(s).