User Hierarchies

User Hierarchies

User hierarchies are a way of managing individual users. For example, if you have a company that has several different departments each Team Leader/ Supervisor of the individual departments could be responsible for the staff that work for them. By doing this, each of these Team Leaders/ Supervisors would only be able to see and manage the user accounts for their own staff. 

Creating a User Hierarchy

To create a hierarchy, you need to assign individual users to a Parent User e.g. their Team Leader/ Manager. 

The ‘Manager’ can have limited Administrator privileges for example, they may only be able to Edit User Accounts. In the following example, Josh Barnes has been set up as an Administrator. He has several privileges such as being able to create charts and modify layouts but the only Administrator privilege he has is the Edit User privilege.

To create a group of users that Josh can manage, set the Parent User for each of the users to Josh’s name. Remember to click the Save icon after making these changes.

When Josh logs into the system, he will only be able to see the users where he has been selected as the Parent User. 

This example shows that 3 users have Josh identified as their parent user. When Josh logs into the system, these are the only users he can see on the Users tab. As he only has the Administrator privilege to Edit Users, he cannot see any of the other Administrator functions such as Categories and Category Access.

The main System Administrator, of which there can only be one, will be able to see all users that have access to the system and will be able to edit any of the users.