Step 3: Market Place and Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)

IAM Role

To backup your dashboard configuration you will need an IAM role that allows access to the S3 bucket you want to use for backups. This section assumes you have met the prerequisite of having an S3 bucket for backups. Please check the prerequisites section if you need to create an S3 bucket.

To do this, go to the IAM service. To the left of the IAM service page there is a Roles link under the Access management header. Select this link.

Select the Create role button at the top. You should then see a page similar to the screenshot below.

Select the EC2 service from the services. Selecting the EC2 service should open a "Select your use case" section at the bottom of the page. Select EC2 from this list, shown in the screenshot below. You can then select the Next: Permissions button.

The second step is to create a policy that allows you to access your S3 bucket for backups. You should see a page like the screenshot below.

Select the Create policy button. This show open a new window. Select the JSON tab and copy the JSON below into the editor. Make sure you replace your-bucket-name with the name of your bucket.

The policy creation window should look like the screenshot below. Click the Review policy button.

You will need to give the policy a name. You can then click Create policy.

Switch back to the role creation tab in your browser. Click the refresh button to refresh the policy list.

Search for the policy you just created and select the checkbox next to it. You can then select the Next: Tags button.

Add some tags to match your company tagging policy, if you have one, and then click Next: Review.

You will need to give the role a name. You can then click Create role.


To be able to use the Panintelligence Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you need to subscribe using the AWS marketplace. Follow the link below of the marketplace product you would like to use.

Following one of the above links should take you to a page similar to the one in the screenshot below.

Select the Continue to Subscribe button. You should see a page similar to the one below. Select the Continue to Configuration button.

At the configuration step you will see a page like the screenshot below. Select the latest Software Version if it is not selected already. The Region you select will need to match the region you used to configure the VPC and load balancer earlier. This document uses the EU (Ireland) region.

When your configuration is correct, select the Continue to Launch button.

This section will let you configure the instance and launch it.

For EC2 Instance Type we recommend t2.medium.

For VPC Settings select the VPC id of the VPC you created earlier.

For Subnet Settings select the subnet id of the private subnet you created.

For Security Group Settings select the private security group you created.

For Key Pair Settings select the key pair you want to use with the EC2 instance. Documentation to create a key pair is linked in the prerequisites section.

After configuring the settings, select the Launch button.

You should see a message confirming that the EC2 instance has been launched.

The confirmation message gives you a link to the EC2 Console to check the instance is running. Going to the EC2 console and selecting the Instances link on the left will show you what instances you have running.

We need to attach the IAM role you created earlier to the EC2 instance you have just launched from the marketplace.

In the instances section of the EC2 Dashboard, select the instance you have just launched. Then select the Actions button, then Instance settings, then Attach/Replace IAM Role, like in the screenshot below.

In the window that opens, select the role you created from the dropdown.