
#!/bin/bash # Migrate any data through a series of dashboard versions (the dashboard zips must be in order of migration) # bash migrate-data.sh --hsql /path/to/data database_password version1.zip version2.zip version3.zip version4.zip # function log() { echo "[+] $1" } function usage() { echo "migrate-data.sh" echo " A tool to migrate data across intermediary versions." echo " The last parameters must be a list of dashboard zip files in order of the upgrade. E.g. 2019_01_31.zip 2019_07_31 2020_01_30.zip." echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " migrate-data.sh --help" echo " migrate-data.sh [--hsql|--mariadb] <path_to_data> <database_password> <first_zip> [other_zips...] <last_zip>" echo "" echo "Parameters:" echo " path_to_data" echo " Path to the data." echo " If used with --hsql it must point to a folder containing the dashboard.* files." echo " If used with --mariadb it must point to a *.sql sqldump file." echo " database_password" echo " The current database password." echo " first_zip" echo " The first zip of a dashboard version, should be the oldest" echo " other_zips" echo " The intermediate versions required between first_zip and last_zip. These should be in order." echo " last_zip" echo " The final version to upgrade to." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --hsql" echo " Signal the data as being in HyperSQL. This will not migrate it to MariaDB." echo " --mariadb" echo " Signal the data as being in MariaDB." echo "" echo "Example:" echo " ./migrate-data.sh --hsql ./data-backup SuperSecretPassword 2019_01_31.zip 2019_07_31.zip 2020_01_30.zip 2020_07_30.zip 2021_01_28.zip" } DB_TYPE=$1 if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--help" ]]; then usage exit 0 fi if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "" ]]; then usage log "No database type provided." exit 1 fi if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" != "--hsql" ]] && [[ "${DB_TYPE}" != "--mariadb" ]]; then usage log "Supported database types are --hsql and --mariadb." exit 1 fi shift PATH_TO_DATA=$1 if [[ "${PATH_TO_DATA}" == "" ]]; then usage log "No path to data provided." exit 1 fi shift DB_PASSWORD=$1 shift ZIPS="$@" if [[ ${#ALL_ZIPS[@]} < 2 ]];then usage log "You at least two versions!" exit 1 fi DB_FOLDER="data" if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--mariadb" ]]; then DB_FOLDER="db" fi function run_sql() { local DASHBOARD_PATH="$1" local CURRENT_PW="$2" local SQL="$3" local MARIA_SQL="$4" if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--hsql" ]]; then pushd $DASHBOARD_PATH/Dashboard/data > /dev/null 2>&1 java -jar sqltool.jar --inlineRc="url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9910/dashboard;user=sa;password=${CURRENT_PW}" --sql="${SQL};commit;" popd fi if [[ "${MARIA_SQL}" == "" ]]; then MARIA_SQL="${SQL}" fi if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--mariadb" ]]; then pushd $DASHBOARD_PATH/Dashboard/db > /dev/null 2>&1 ./bin/mysql --defaults-file=my.cnf -uroot -p${CURRENT_PW} --execute="${MARIA_SQL};" popd fi } function change_password_to_default() { # We don't need to do any password change on mariadb local DASHBOARD_PATH="$1" if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--hsql" ]]; then log "Removing DB password temporarily" run_sql "${DASHBOARD_PATH}" "${DB_PASSWORD}" "SET PASSWORD ''" fi } function change_password_from_default() { # We don't need to do any password change on mariadb local DASHBOARD_PATH="$1" if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--hsql" ]]; then log "Resetting the DB password back to what it was" run_sql "${DASHBOARD_PATH}" "" "SET PASSWORD '${DB_PASSWORD}'" fi } function unzip_dashboard() { local ZIP_FILE=$1 local NEW_DIR=$2 unzip $ZIP_FILE -d $NEW_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod 777 $NEW_DIR/Dashboard/${DB_FOLDER}/*.sh chmod 777 $NEW_DIR/Dashboard/tomcat/bin/*.sh } function migrate_from_to() { local FROM_ZIP=$1 local TO_ZIP=$2 local FROM_VERSION=$(echo "${FROM_ZIP/pi./}" | tr '-' ' ' | awk '{ print $3 }') # extract the version local TO_VERSION=$(echo "${TO_ZIP/pi./}" | tr '-' ' ' | awk '{ print $3 }') # extract the version # We don't really care about the name, just that they're different if [[ "$FROM_VERSION" == "$TO_VERSION" ]]; then TO_VERSION="${TO_VERSION}_to" fi if [[ ! -d $FROM_VERSION ]]; then log "$FROM_VERSION was not found." exit 1 fi unzip_dashboard $TO_ZIP $TO_VERSION if [[ ! -d $TO_VERSION ]]; then log "$FROM_VERSION was not found." exit 1 fi log "Migrating from $FROM_VERSION to $TO_VERSION" $TO_VERSION/Dashboard/upgrade_dashboard.sh $FROM_VERSION/Dashboard/ > ~/logs/migration.$FROM_VERSION.to.$TO_VERSION.upgrade.output 2>&1 stop_dashboard $TO_VERSION start_dashboard $TO_VERSION stop_dashboard $TO_VERSION log "Finished migrating from $FROM_VERSION to $TO_VERSION" log "Removing $FROM_VERSION" rm -rf $FROM_VERSION } function start_dashboard() { LOCATION=$1 pushd $LOCATION/Dashboard > /dev/null 2>&1 ./dashboard.sh all start > ~/logs/migration.$LOCATION.output 2>&1 log "Waiting for $LOCATION dashboard to start..." sleep 5 tries=0 while [[ $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w"%{http_code}" http://localhost:8224/pi/) != "200" ]]; do sleep 3 tries=$(($tries+1)) if [[ $tries -gt 10 ]]; then log "Gave up starting dashboard at $LOCATION" exit 1 fi done log "$LOCATION dashboard is started. Data is migrated" popd > /dev/null 2>&1 } function stop_dashboard() { LOCATION=$1 pushd $LOCATION/Dashboard > /dev/null 2>&1 ./dashboard.sh all stop > ~/logs/migration.$LOCATION.output 2>&1 log "Waiting for $LOCATION dashboard to stop..." tries=0 while [[ $(ps aux | grep java | grep catalina) != "" ]]; do sleep 5 kill $(ps aux | grep java | grep catalina | awk '{ print $2 }') # kill tomcat kill $(ps aux | grep java | grep hsql | awk '{ print $2 }') # kill hypersql kill $(ps aux | grep excel | awk '{ print $2 }') # kill excel reader kill $(ps aux | grep renderer | awk '{ print $2 }') # kill renderer tries=$(($tries+1)) if [[ $tries -gt 10 ]]; then log "Gave up stopping dashboard at $LOCATION" exit 1 fi done log "$LOCATION dashboard is stopped" popd > /dev/null 2>&1 } function prepare_initial_data() { local DATA_PATH=$1 local DB_TYPE=$2 local DB_PASSWORD=$3 local INITIAL_ZIP=$4 local INITIAL_VERSION=$(echo "${INITIAL_ZIP/pi./}" | tr '-' ' ' | awk '{ print $3 }') # extract the version log "Preparing initial data in $DATA_PATH by loading it in $INITIAL_VERSION" unzip_dashboard $INITIAL_ZIP $INITIAL_VERSION log "Copying licence.xml to $INITIAL_VERSION" cp licence.xml $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/tomcat/webapps/panLicenceManager/WEB-INF/classes/ if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--hsql" ]]; then rm -f $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/data/dashboard.* cp $DATA_PATH/dashboard.* $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/data fi log "Starting the database" $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/${DB_FOLDER}/dbup-repos.sh sleep 2 change_password_to_default "${LAST_DASHBOARD_PATH}" if [[ "${DB_TYPE}" == "--mariadb" ]]; then $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/db/dbup-repos.sh fi log "Stopping the database" $INITIAL_VERSION/Dashboard/${DB_FOLDER}/dbstop-repos.sh start_dashboard $INITIAL_VERSION stop_dashboard $INITIAL_VERSION log "Finished preparing the initial dashboard ($INITIAL_VERSION) with the data from $DATA_PATH" } function migrate() { local DATA_PATH="$1" shift local ALL_ZIPS=("$@") # We need to place the data in the first dashboard and ensure it is migrated prepare_initial_data $DATA_PATH $DB_TYPE $DB_PASSWORD ${ALL_ZIPS[0]} # Now progress the data through the versions, starting from the initial to the very last one local LAST_FROM_ZIP_INDEX=$((${#ALL_ZIPS[@]}-2)) for i in $(seq 0 $LAST_FROM_ZIP_INDEX); do local NEXT_i=$(($i+1)) # Migrate from index to index+1 migrate_from_to ${ALL_ZIPS[$i]} ${ALL_ZIPS[$NEXT_i]} done local LAST_TO_ZIP_INDEX=$(($LAST_FROM_ZIP_INDEX+1)) local LAST_DASHBOARD_PATH=${ALL_ZIPS[$LAST_TO_ZIP_INDEX]} pushd ${LAST_DASHBOARD_PATH}/Dashboard/${DB_FOLDER} > /dev/null 2>&1 log "Starting the database" ./dbup-repos.sh sleep 2 log "Ensuring migration of IN filters" run_sql "${LAST_DASHBOARD_PATH}" "" "UPDATE mis_user_restrictions SET VALUE = REPLACE(VALUE, ',', '::::') WHERE VALUE NOT LIKE '%::::%' AND VALUE LIKE '%,%'; UPDATE mis_filter_columns SET OPERAND_ONE = REPLACE(OPERAND_ONE, ',', '::::') WHERE OPERATOR_ID in (4, 13) and OPERAND_ONE NOT LIKE '%::::%' and OPERAND_ONE LIKE '%,%'; UPDATE mis_chart_columns SET OPERAND_ONE = REPLACE(OPERAND_ONE, ',', '::::') WHERE OPERATOR_ID in (4, 13) and OPERAND_ONE NOT LIKE '%::::%' and OPERAND_ONE LIKE '%,%'; UPDATE mis_category_objects SET DEFAULT_VALUE = REPLACE(DEFAULT_VALUE, ',', '::::') WHERE DEFAULT_VALUE NOT LIKE '%::::%' AND DEFAULT_VALUE LIKE '%,%'" log "Changing the password back to what it was" change_password "${LAST_DASHBOARD_PATH}" "" "${DB_PASSWORD}" log "Stopping the database" ./dbstop-repos.sh popd > /dev/null 2>&1 log "Done" } mkdir -p ~/logs migrate $PATH_TO_DATA ${ZIPS[@]}