Product Roadmap
The following list represents a view of our product development cycle and some new features that we are exploring and planning to deliver for the dashboard.
This list is intended for information purposes only, and should not be interpreted as a commitment on the part of Panintelligence to deliver these items.
User No User - Restrictions, Privilages and Variables
DevOps - Branch and GIT Integration
Observability - improvements around Logging, Tracing and Metric reporting
Visulations - New Chart Types, Additional ToolTips & Colour Gradients
Beyond iFrame - JDK and SDK
MultiLingual - Improved editing and process simplification
Organisations - Phase 2 additional requirement
AI (ML / LLMs) - Random Forest, SVM and Open AI NLQ/NLP
Data Tables - Expand & Collapse and Data Bars
JSON / Structure Walker - CSS
Grails Library Replacement
Mobile - Alternative Styles, Tables & Filters
AI (Causal) - DAG, Feedback Loop & AB Testing