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We Listen

We genuinely love to There is nothing we love more than to hear from our partners, and specifically their ideas on how to develop the dashboard to better suite their needs going forward - which we manage as Feature Requests or Enhancements depending on what you like to call them.

We assess each new request frequently and where possible include these them in future releases of the dashboard. Its not always possible to deliver all of the suggestions that come our way, as not all of them meet our strategy for the wider user group, however where possible we willcommunity, so it is a balancing act, however we try hard to maximise the suggestions where possible.

How We Manage Requests

Feature Requests are tracked through the same Case Service Management solution used by our Service Desk, therefore raising a Feature Request is very similiar to Raising A Support Case - which keeps things nice and simple. We do not apply Service Levels against Feature Requests.


It is always helpful to understand the background to where the issue request comes from therefore, please provide as much information as you can to help bring the request to life for us;

  • Partner / Customer Name

  • Total number of users using the product

  • Percentage/Number of users affected by the issue

  • Frequency of issue

  • User Impact Statement (e.g. user experience, performance) (one paragraph)

  • Business Impact Statement (e.g. regulatory compliance, revenue impact - please quantify as much as possible) (up to three paragraphs)

  • Business impact level: (Low, Medium, High, Critical)
    o Low Impact is defined as: Minor problem with small impact or functional restriction which impacts a small number of users (less than a hundred).
    o Medium Impact is defined as: Product can be used but there are some moderate impact or functional restrictions which impact a moderate number of users, (hundreds), several times a week.
    o High Impact is defined as: Product can be used but an important function is not available which impacts a large number of users, (thousands), several times a week.
    o Critical Impact is defined as: Production system is down or is severely impacted.


  • What would you like to see added or changed?

  • Why would that be useful to you?

  • How would you see that working in an operational sense in the dashboard - what would you expect to be able to do exactly?

  • Who would be able to take advantage of the change/addition, and what benefit would this provide to them?

  • How important is this change to you for your longer term development of your solution?

We love a good screenshot of the area of the dashboard you are considering for the change too - or if you have any design ideas to support the request, we’d more than welcome those too.

In terms of how to raise a Feature Request with us, please email these through to and we’ll get those raised for you. If we need any initial further information on these, we will come back to you for this before we pass this over to the product team for an initial assessment.