Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Enable Single Sign On for the dashboard using Windows Authentication |
| Inline licence file content (XML or UUID) |
| Link to the dashboard licence |
| Disk location of a licence file |
| URL for the dashboard used when rendering. Default: |
| A token created by you, min 15 chars, used as a bearer auth token in a post request to the /health endpoint to view dashboard metrics including licence & memory info |
| The smtp server any mail will be sent via | |
| The smtp port | |
| The smtp username | |
| The smtp email address (optional) | |
| The smtp password | |
| Sets smtp with ssl (boolean) | |
| Sets smtp with tls (boolean) | |
| Allow unverified tls certificates (not recommended) | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_RENDERER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_SCHEDULER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable PAN_EXCEL_READER_URL | |
| Sets the dashboard variable ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL |
Repository Database configration
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| |
| Dashboard port |
| ||
| Tomcat internal port (local only) (see default 28748 |
| |
| Tomcat's administration port |
| |
| Tomcat AJP port |
| |
| Maximum memory allocated to tomcat |
| ||
| Maximum concurrent connections to the tomcat server |
| ||
| Connection timeout definition |
| ||
| Maximum threads tomcat can run |
| |
| Minimum spare threads tomcat should keep |
| |
| Frame-Ancestors definition for dashboard embedding. A space separated list of |
| ||
| ||
| Makes tomcat use HTTPS | April 2021 | ||
| The location of the X509 certificate to use for https | April 2021 |
| |
| The location of the X509 certificate key file | April 2021 |
| |
| The password of the certificate key (if set) | April 2021 |
| |
| Must be | November 2020 | ||
| One of | November 2020 | ||
| The cookie name that is used to identify a user’s session to a particular dashboard. Defaults to | August 2021 | ||
| Maximum number of connections to the dashboard’s own database. Default: | March 2022 |
| |
| Used to enable session sync | March 2022 |
| |
| Choose either Tomcat session sync (tcp) or Redis session offload (redis) | October 2023 |
| |
| Used to set the session sync broadcast port | March 2022 |
| |
| Used to set the session sync listening port | March 2022 | ||
| Set the redis host if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 |
| |
| Set the redis port if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 |
| |
| Set the redis password if session sync mode is redis | October 2023 |
| |
| Boolean field. Apply HSTS to the dashboard. | July 2022 | ||
| Boolean field. Applies HSTS to all subdomains of your site. | July 2022 | ||
| Boolean field. Enables HSTS preload header, meaning browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection.
| July 2022 | ||
| The amount of time in seconds that the browser should remember that the site is only to be accessed using HTTPS. Default setting of 31536000. | July 2022 |
| |
| The name of the user account under which Tomcat should run | January 2023 |
| |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |
| |
| The amount of time (in days) to retain rotated log files. Default setting of 0. A value of 0 disables automated log removal | October 2023 |
| |
| The minimum log level for Tomcat and Dashboard logs. Default setting of INFO. (Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) | November 2023 | ||
| Log in json format. Defaults to false. | May 2024 |
| |
| Log http requests. Defaults to true. | May 2024 |
| |
| Set to true by default, determine whether cookies will be partitioned, currently incompatible with open id pop up login via an iFrame | February 2024 |
| |
| The location of the HTTPS certificate chain file | June 2024 |
| |
| A list of ciphers as a single string, with each cipher separated by a comma (e.g. Defaults to a ciphers list supported by the dashboard. | June 2024 |
These settings are only required if you want tomcat to do any URL rewriting. This is generally a good idea if you're using IIS as a reverse proxy. Nginx and Apache httpd are more than capable of doing this on their own though.
These should be used to configure the Pirana application and are set against the Pirana container in containerised deployments
Pirana Settings
Variable | Description | Version Introduced |
| Host to bind to. Default |
| Internal port to run on. Default |
| Connection pool. Default |
| Environment type to run on. Default |
| Path to the logfile. When left empty logs to |
| Comma separated string with the levels to log. Default |
| Enable options below. Default |
| Path to an SSL certificate |
| Path to an SSL private key |
| Path to an SSL certificate chain |
| Seed number for the model. Default |
| Maximum model depth. Default |
| Fill strategy for missing data. Default |
| The name of the user account under which Pirana service should run | January 2023 |
| Password for user account set by PI_DB_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME variable | January 2023 |