A theme enables you to style different elements of the dashboard, from colours to fonts to splash screens at logon.
You can configure as many different themes as you want. Different users can be configured to use different themes, for example different trading divisions of one organisation, or indeed switch between them.
Please note that if you have made changes to one of our shipped themes e.g. pi Berry, the changes will be overwritten when you upgrade to the latest version of the dashboard.
With effect from the 2022-02-24 release:
A number of the default themes have been changed to improve the appearance of the power ring and gauge charts against their backgrounds. Changes include:
piBerry & piDaily - chart cell backgrounds are now set to white (#FFFFFF) by default to make the power ring more visible against the background.
pi-night & piNightly - data label and data titles will now be a paler colour from each theme to improve contrast and readability against their darker backgrounds.
All of these features can be changed in Dashboard Configuration>Themes should users wish to customise them.