Category Details
This sub panel contains details which affect the way the category is presented to the user.
Label – This is an alternative description that can be given to a category and unlike the category title this does not need to be unique. If this field is populated the name will be used on the Dashboard, hovering over the name will show the name of the category.
In the following screenshot, a new category has been created called ‘My new category’ and a label was added to that category called ‘Insurance’. There are now 2 categories, one in the parent category of ‘Dashboarding’ and one in the parent category of ‘Features’ called ‘Insurance’. Hovering over each of them will display the associated category name.
Using a Label is useful when you want multiple items in different Parent Categories to have the same display name, please see Parent Categories below for more information.
Category Position – By default categories will appear in alphabetical order in the category list. This option can be used to override that behaviour and force categories into a non-alphabetical order. Increasing the number to 2 will force the new category to the bottom of the list and changing it to 0 will move it to the very top. If you want to put the list back into alphabetical order, enter 1 against the relevant category.
Parent Category – Categories can be nested or grouped underneath each other to help a user to navigate. You select the category that you want to place this category under by clicking the drop-down arrow. By default, if you don’t choose a different category, the parent category will be ‘Home’ which is a category used to denote the top level.
Category Height - introduced in the 2022-03-31 dashboard release. This will allow users to make a category scrollable by changing the height. Users will be able to select from default, 1.5x or 2x height options, when 1.5x or 2x are selected a scrollbar will be displayed to allow users to scroll through larger categories. This means that more charts can be displayed on a single category without having to reduce the size of the charts.
Is Tab – Sometimes a category hasn’t been created for display purposes, instead it is used as a way of grouping objects together, often for security purposes. Unticking this box will remove the category from the user’s category list window. This is also useful to temporarily hide a category or even to have a category that can be embedded in another application but is not available within the main Dashboard.
Lock Default Layout – This prevents new items being added to a category.
Lite – this makes the category a ‘Lite’ category. This is tied to the licence you have been assigned, and allows you to designate categories as lite, enabling lite users to be able to access them. If you haven’t purchased any Lite users, then you don’t need to do anything with this field.