Upgrading from a 2019 (or earlier) dashboard

Upgrading from a 2019 (or earlier) dashboard

This article covers how to upgrade your dashboard from older HyperSQL versions to the newer MariaDB version.

If your dashboard is already on a MariaDB version, this guide will not cover how to upgrade to the latest version.

If you are upgrading over the top of your existing dashboard then you do not need to pull your data files from an external source.

Regardless of a direct upgrade/standalone test upgrade it is still best practise to create a backup of your data folder.

If you require any of the dashboard versions specified in this document please contact the support team - support@panintelligence.com.

The first upgrade step is to install the July 2019 version. If you wish to install this as a standalone version you will need to specify a new directory to install into.

If this is an over-the-top upgrade then click the ‘Close & Start Dashboard Service’ button after the licence has been installed.

If this is a standalone version you will need to stop at this stage and read the step detailed below.

If this is a standalone install then you will need to copy the dashboard files into your installation before starting the dashboard.

This is simply done by highlighting the following files, right clicking and selecting copy.

  • dashboard.data

  • dashboard.lck

  • dashboard.log

  • dashboard.properties

  • dashboard.script

Once these are on your clipboard you will need to paste them into your dashboard data folder.

Once you have copied the data files across you can click on ‘Close & Start Dashboard Service’.

The next step is to install the January 2020 version, this will be the earliest version available where you can migrate the DB across to MariaDB. You will need to install over your existing version or the standalone version that we have setup for this test.

Once the dashboard has installed and you are presented with the config tool you will need to click onto the DB tab and click ‘Migrate HyperSQL to MariaDb’ .

We advise unticking the ‘Include audits’ option as this could prolong the migration process.

Once the DB has migrated you will be presented with the ‘Finished’ message and you will then be able to click the ‘Close & Start Dashboard Service’ button.

The final step is to install the latest version, in this example January 2021, and/or drag your SQL file into your original dashboard.

The backup SQL can be found in the following location:

In order to pull the SQL backup into the dashboard, click the ‘Repository’ tab once the new version installs and click ‘Restore From File’, followed by ‘Apply and Run’. This will then start the process of importing the SQL backup into your dashboard.

When the process has finished, you can close the ‘Dashboard Configuration’ dialog box.