Implementing a Licence
There are three ways to implement a licence from the Customer Portal.
Using an xml file
If offline licencing is enabled for a customer, an xml file can be downloaded from from the portal. This file can be placed in the following location:/opt/panintelligence/Dashboard/tomcat/webapps/panLicenceManager/WEB-INF/classes
Using a licence.uuid file containing the licence key
If remote licencing is used, you can use the licence key to implement the licence on the dashboard.
Create and activate the licence you wish to use for a specific customer
Copy the licence key and paste into a text editor
Save the file as licence.uuid
This uuid file can then be placed in:/opt/panintelligence/Dashboard/tomcat/webapps/panLicenceManager/WEB-INF/classes
Using environment variables
The licence key can also be supplied as an environment variable using the variable PI_LICENCE={licenceKey}