Inserting Categories into Reports

Inserting Categories into Reports

With effect from the October 2022 release of the dashboard, you will now be able to insert an entire category into a report.

When you click on the ‘Insert a category as the next page’ icon, you will be able to select which category you want to insert.

  • You will only be able to select categories that contain data. Parent categories can not be selected

  • Before inserting the category into a report, you will be able to preview it in a new browser tab by clicking the ‘Open’ icon (this button can be disabled, for embedding solutions, by unticking the ‘ENABLE_OPENING_DASHBOARD_AS_TAB’ option in Dashboard Configuration>Settings>Global Variables to avoid opening another instance of the dashboard - please see below for more information)

  • When selecting a Category, any Category Objects associated with that Category will not currently be added to the report. This is because one page in a report is similar to a category and a report can potentially contain multiple categories

The following screenshot shows how a Category looks when inserted into a report page - the layout in the report will mirror the current layout of the Category.

A new System Variable, ‘ENABLE_OPENING_DASHBOARD_AS_TAB’, has been added to Dashboard Configuration>Settings. This is a System Variable, so if you need to have different configuration for a specific user, you can override the value by supplying ‘true’ or ‘false’.