All In One Container Image Deprecation
To assist our partners with creating containerised deployments of the dashboard, we have previously provided configured container images for general use. Over time, better approaches to deployments have been introduced (see HERE) and therefore we are deprecating some of those older images from future releases.
Our September 23 release will be the final release where we publish the following container images:
Image | Description |
panintelligence/dashboard | An all-in-one container which includes Maria DB. |
panintelligence/dashboard-marialess | An all-in-one container which does not include Maria DB. |
panintelligence/mdb | A version of Maria DB published by panintelligence |
From our October 2023 release and onwards, we will not be issuing new versions of these container images and therefore they will not be available for download. You will still be able to access existing published versions however until the end of 2023.
If you are using one of the listed contain images, we recommend you transition to our separates approach as soon as possible, doing so in a test environment initially before making changes live.
The general approach will be to take the Maria data from your environment, and provide it to a new environment as well as copying across any other configuration such as themes, environment variables etc.
If you need support with this migration please reach out your Customer Success Manager and/or our Service Desk team and we can provide advice on the best way to proceed for your specific setup.
We strongly recommend if you have this type of setup to make this migration soon to avoid any issues when you come to upgrade in future.