February 2024 - Dashboard Release Notes

February 2024 - Dashboard Release Notes


  • The release contains no Schema changes

  • icon is used to highlight all Customer Requests



  • Windows & Linux Users Only - Mar 18, 2024

    • If you utilise the Postgre driver, when completing the upgrade process you will be required to manually install the postgresql.Driver into the tomcat/custom_jdbc_drivers directory - failing to complete this step will result in Chart Errors being returned. Installing a version of 42.6.1 or greater is recommended to address known vulnerabilities. We will return to shipping the driver as part of standard release within our March 24 release, therefore if you prefer, please upgrade to that version.




User Auto Generation - User No User

pi#2154, pi#2155


Authentications & User Management

User Auto Generation - User No User

pi#2154, pi#2155


Authentications & User Management

Auto User Sync is a new Dashboard feature that revolves around consolidating User creation into a single payload - allowing them to be dynamically created/updated through not only the API but as a seamlessly integrated step in your existing External Authentication flow.

GET payloads for existing users, POST payloads to synchronise them, or move their configuration entirely to your External Authentication setup via the use of new claims.

For more information on this change, please review our Auto User Sync page to find out how to begin using it.


Browser Security - Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) Support



Browser Security

Browser Security - Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) Support



Browser Security

Browsers are beginning to phase out their support for unpartitioned third-party cookies, for this reason and the increased Security and Privacy they provide, the Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) support has been added to the Dashboard.

N.B - this will not currently work with OpenID Connect in a popup, however if you are using a redirect mode that will work fine.


OpenID Connect - Support To Configure With A Well-Known URL




OpenID Connect - Support To Configure With A Well-Known URL




You can now configure OpenID Connect using a discovery document. For example, provide the domain containing a discovery document and the Dashboard will validate the configuration and fetch the URLs required to perform the authentication.



OpenID Connect - Log In Using A Pop-Up Window




OpenID Connect - Log In Using A Pop-Up Window




A feature has been added to enable Open ID login via a pop-up window. This helps to bypass errors logging in with certain authentication providers such as Google, particularly when using an iFrame for Embedding.

Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-21-36.png


N.B - this is not compatible with CHIPS (partitioned cookies) when logging in via an iFrame. An option has been added to the Configuration Tool to turn partitioned cookies off, if you decide to use Open ID in a pop-up.

Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-24-32.png




Scheduler - Excel Export Performance Improvements



Scheduler - Performance

Scheduler - Excel Export Performance Improvements



Scheduler - Performance

Performance improvements around the Excel Export feature were introduced as part of our November 23 release, however those improvements were not purposefully applied to the Scheduler service at that time. Those improvements have now been replicated and applied to the Scheduler service too.


Send This Dashboard - Feature Deprecation



More Options Menu

Send This Dashboard - Feature Deprecation



More Options Menu

The “Send this Dashboard” feature has been removed from the “More options” menu.


JDBC Driver Upgrade - PostgreSQL To v 42.6.1



JDBC Driver

JDBC Driver Upgrade - PostgreSQL To v 42.6.1



JDBC Driver

The bundled PostgreSQL driver has been upgraded to 42.6.1 to address a reported vulnerability CVE-2024-1597.77


Sub Totals - Ensure Sub Total Breaks Are Generated Correctly - Following A Tree Structure From Left To Right



Tables - Sub Totals

Sub Totals - Ensure Sub Total Breaks Are Generated Correctly - Following A Tree Structure From Left To Right



Tables - Sub Totals

This ticket is a pre requisite change, that will allow for Accurate Sub Total Averages to be generated - which will be coming in a future release.

An issue occurred with the manner by which Sub Total breaks were generated, particularly if the table data didn’t follow a tree structure.

Rather than the Sub Total breaks having a tree structure i.e. each Sub Total lying with in the previous one, going in an order of priority from left to right, the Sub Total breaks would only take into consideration the totals for the values in a single column within its own scope. This would lead to unclear Sub Totals, and prevents us from generating additional queries to obtain accurate Sub Totals for averages.

Additionally, a data label has been added to the Sub Totals, to make it clear which column the Sub Totals is being generated for.


Old Implementation:



New Implementation:



Crosstab Tables - Perpetual Loading Icon On Crosstabs and “No data to display”



Tables - Crosstabs

Crosstab Tables - Perpetual Loading Icon On Crosstabs and “No data to display”



Tables - Crosstabs

Depending on the size of the container, a Table with Crosstabs (that had no data to display) could result in an exception being thrown in the console, which would lead to the loading icon spinning indefinitely.


Crosstab Tables - Compressed Display Issues When Drilling Up After Applying A Category Object



Tables - Crosstabs

Crosstab Tables - Compressed Display Issues When Drilling Up After Applying A Category Object



Tables - Crosstabs

Resolved an issue with the display of a Crosstab Table (one with a header set) being compressed when a Category Object had been applied at a lower Drill Level, and you drill back up with it still applied.


Card Charts - Scaling Improvements - When Using The Safari Browser



Card Charts & Browser

Card Charts - Scaling Improvements - When Using The Safari Browser



Card Charts & Browser

Improvements have been made in how the Card Charts are scaled when using the Safari Browser, to mirror the behaviour seen with other browsers. The content of the Card Chart will now scale and display the content consistently with other Browsers.


Editable Tables - Unable To Enter Negative Values For Editable Columns With Measures



Tables - Editable Tables

Editable Tables - Unable To Enter Negative Values For Editable Columns With Measures



Tables - Editable Tables

Key press validation has been changed to allow the minus character “-” to be inputted into Measures when using Editable Tables.


Gold Dashboard Charts - Some Broken Charts When Using An External Database (DB)



Charts & Migrations

Gold Dashboard Charts - Some Broken Charts When Using An External Database (DB)



Charts & Migrations

Some of the Gold dashboard charts were broken due to a missing v_precanneddates view in the deployments, that were using an external database. Additional logic introduced to ensure this view is added as a part of the Migrations process for any new deployments with external databases.


Missing Column - mySQL DB - Default Value Incompatibility For URS_LOGIN_TIME




Missing Column - mySQL DB - Default Value Incompatibility For URS_LOGIN_TIME




The ‘requested_by_usercode’ column was missing from user_gateway_sessions table. This was caused as the result of the default value used for the 'URS_LOGIN_TIME' column being incompatible with mySQL DB.

A new migration has been added to run before any updates on user_gateway_sessions table is performed, to update the default value of 'URS_LOGIN_TIME'` to improve compatibility with mySQL databases and ensure successful addition of any new columns to this table.