May 2024 - Dashboard Release Notes
- 2.1 Authentication - Multiple Identity Providers (IDPs)
- 2.2 Mobile Device Layout - Create A Mobile Specific Category Layout
- 2.3 Embedding - Drill Restrictions On Category Embedding (Not Just Single Chart Embedding)
- 2.4 Embedding - Copy Category URL
- 2.5 Renderer - Configurable Timeout Value
- 2.6 Excel Export - Exclude Column
- 2.7 Observability - JSON Logging (Experimental)
- 3.1 Performance - GZIP Compression of Additional JavaScript Assets
- 3.2 Mobile Device Layout - Retain Mobile View With Horizontal Orientation (By Default)
- 3.3 Data Connection - Removing Data Connection Object Start Quote and Object End Quote
- 3.4 Data Connection - Materialized Views Not Being Shown During SetUp
- 3.5 Library Upgrade - Tomcat 8.5.100
- 3.6 Library Upgrade - Spring Framework and AWS SDK
Table of Content Key
Customer Requested tickets are highlighted with this icon
Below are key notifications to be aware of before upgrading your dashboard.;
The following items are to be deprecated, and scheduled for removal in upcoming releases:
OpenID Connect - Variables Based Configuration |
| Open ID Connect |
In this release (May 24, 2024_05) we have introduced improvements to the way you can configure OpenID Connect via a dedicated screen - with support for multiple providers. As a result of this change, we recommend migrating to this new method of configuration as soon as possible, as the older configuration method (via the Global Variables screen) will be removed in an upcoming release. |
Java 8 Deprecation (Impact on Linux Installations) - Moving to Java 11 |
| Linux Installations |
In our next release (June 24, 2024_06), the dashboard will run on Java 11 meaning that Java 8 will no longer be supported. This change only impacts native Linux installations, where you will need to supply an updated JDK for the dashboard to operate. Windows and Docker environments include Java, and therefore no changes are required for those deployment types. |
Authentication - Multiple Identity Providers (IDPs) | pi#2228, #2230 and #2363 | 30649 | Authentication |
Functionality has been introduced to allow multiple Identity Providers (IDPs) to be configured in the dashboard - either through the UI or by the external API. Each IDP has its own unique identifier which can be used as a query parameter in the URL, to resolve the correct IDP to be used. The IDP Identifier field only accepts alphanumeric values. All IDP entries will be saved to the new table in the database - MIS_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS (see Schema Changes section). If there is only one IDP entry in the database, the users do not need to specify the correct identifier in the URL; the dashboard will automatically resolve to using the defined IDP providing it has been enabled. If there are multiple IDP entries saved in the database, the users will be expected to specify the Identifier of the Identity Provider they wish to use. The expected dashboard URL structure is as follows
UI: A new tab has been added to the Settings screen, allowing users to create OAuth configuration for multiple providers.
API: Eight new API endpoints have been added to help manage the new Identity Provider configurations. These endpoints are documented in our SwaggerHub page and are listed below:
Things to note:
See here for more information, Multiple Identity Providers (IDPs) for OpenID Connect
Mobile Device Layout - Create A Mobile Specific Category Layout | pi#2396 | 29765 | Category Layout |
An option has been added to the dashboard to save a mobile layout for the category. Three new options have been added to the Layout Button Menu referring to the management of the mobile layout for the viewed category:
Save as Mobile Layout
Display Mobile Layout
Delete Mobile Layout
With the introduction of the mobile layout, the priority of the layout display is as below: When user has ‘Can modify layouts’ permission Desktop View: 1. Personal/User Layout; 2. Default Layout; 3. Empty Layout Mobile View: 1. Personal/User Layout; 2. Mobile Layout; 3. Default Layout; 4. Empty Layout
When user doesn’t have ‘Can modify layouts’ permission Desktop View: Default Layout Mobile View: 1. Mobile Layout; 2. Default Layout
‘Current Layout’ header has also been added to the layout dropdown menu that record the current viewed layout type for the category ('Default' or ‘Personal’). See here for more information, Mobile Layout
Embedding - Drill Restrictions On Category Embedding (Not Just Single Chart Embedding) | pi#2358 | 30361 | Drill Restrictions, Category Embedding |
As part of the October 2023 release, we added the ability to restrict what drill levels can be accessed via the use of two new URL parameters (drillStart and drillEnd) and the ability to use placeholder filters (!$!). These placeholder filters allow you to have the initial view of a chart start at a drill level other than the first one without applying any filtering to it. This feature was designed to be used only for single-chart embedding. This functionality has now been extended to work with embedded Categories as well with the drillStart/drillEnd restrictions applying to all drillable charts within the Category. The setup is roughly the same as for a single chart but the URL of a Category is slightly more complicated and there are a few things worth knowing about how this features interacts with other aspects of an embedded Category. See here for more information, Limiting Drill Levels on Embedded Categories
Embedding - Copy Category URL | pi#2353 | 29093 | Chart Info Panel |
You can now copy an iFrame link to embed a category for the chart info panel, just as you can to embed a chart.
Renderer - Configurable Timeout Value | pi#2053 | - | Renderer |
You can now supply a configurable timeout value in seconds to the renderer, causing the request to fail upon exceeding this timeout. The value is set in the config tool, under the ‘renderer’ tab, as shown below: It is also set via a docker environment variable called ‘ The default value will be 900 seconds (15 minutes). You can configure this to be however long you’d like and you can include decimal values. This will affect:
And an appropriate error message will be displayed to the user upon hitting this timeout. The timeout specifically affects how long it takes for the chromium browser within the renderer to reach the desired chart/report URL. |
Excel Export - Exclude Column | pi#2346 | 28990 | Data Tables & Exports |
We have now introduced an option which allows you to exclude specified columns from excel exports of data tables: The column will continue to show in the chart visualisation despite being excluded from the excel export. This works for all table types. There are a couple of known issues with this at the moment:
Observability - JSON Logging (Experimental) | pi#2151 & renderer#96 | - | Observability & Logging |
JSON format logging is coming to the dashboard! This will allow easier management of large volumes of log data making it easier to search, filter, read etc. Right now you can turn it on for the following components:
It can be turned on via the appropriate environment variable or through the configuration UI. You also now have the option to disable the server(pi) access logger if you don’t wish to have that level of detail, when JSON logging is enabled the access logs will also be in JSON format. |
Performance - GZIP Compression of Additional JavaScript Assets | dd#92 | 30741 | Performance |
GZIP compression and caching has been added to additional JavaScript assets that were not compressed previously. This is intended to provide a significant performance boost for people operating on slower connections.J |
Mobile Device Layout - Retain Mobile View With Horizontal Orientation (By Default) | pi#2369 | 30394 | Mobile Device Layout |
Previously, when switching from vertical to horizontal view on a mobile device, this would cause the dashboard to switch to the desktop view instead. Now, it will retain the mobile layout regardless of the orientation. This is unless you select the browser’s built in ‘show desktop site’ button - in which case, the desktop version will be shown. The request to view the desktop site view will be fully respected in horizontal orientation. In vertical orientation, however, it will use the mobile view layout but the desktop view navigation bar settings. This is because in vertical orientation, the devices width will simply be too small to fit in the content. |
Data Connection - Removing Data Connection Object Start Quote and Object End Quote | pi#2327 | 29522 | Data Connections |
Previously, upon entering an Object Start Quote or an Object End Quote for a Data Connection, which has a default value (such as Snowflake which has a default value of “) - if you were to set these to be blank, it would not save correctly and would reset back to the default value. Now, it will retain any value you have entered. |
Data Connection - Materialized Views Not Being Shown During SetUp | pi#2406 | 30927 | Data Vonnections |
Materialized Views were not previously being shown as an option when configuring a Data Connections tables, this has now been resolved |
Library Upgrade - Tomcat 8.5.100 | pi#2366 | 30430 | Libraries |
Tomcat has been upgraded from 8.5.97 to 8.5.100 to resolve a certificate bug. |
Library Upgrade - Spring Framework and AWS SDK | pi#2402 | - | Libraries |
As part of our standard security procedures, we have upgraded Spring Framework and AWS SDK libraries to resolve reported vulnerabilities including CVE-2024-22259. |
Description | GitLab | ZenDesk | New Table |
New table created
| pi#2228 | 30649 | External Log In |