Mobile Layout

Mobile Layout

Since May 2024, the dashboard provides an option to save the category layout as the mobile layout. This functionality allows to create a customised view of the category for the mobile users; this can include amending the layout, excluding certain charts, creating personalised content for certain users.

Three new options have been added to the Layout Button Menu referring to the management of the mobile layout for the viewed category:

Screenshot from 2024-05-09 10-22-21.png

Save as Mobile Layout

  • requires ‘Can save layouts’ permission

  • button is enabled when no mobile layout exists OR the existing mobile layout is different to your personal/user layout

  • when clicked, mobile layout is saved as a copy of your personal/user layout for the category

Display Mobile Layout

  • requires ‘Can modify layouts’ permission

  • button is enabled when mobile layout exists AND the existing mobile layout is different to your personal/user layout

  • when clicked, mobile layout will be converted to your personal/user layout for the category to be viewed in the desktop mode

Delete Mobile Layout

  • requires ‘Can modify layouts’ permission

  • button is enabled when mobile layout exists

  • when clicked, mobile layout for the viewed category will be removed



  1. As an admin user I navigate to one of the categories in the Desktop mode




  1. I make some changes to the category - remove empty cell and add a new chart

  2. I click the button to save as mobile layout from Layout Menu


  1. I logon to the dashboard using a mobile device

  2. Mobile layout is displayed by default



With the introduction of the mobile layout, the priority of the layout display is as below:

When user has ‘Can modify layouts’ permission

Desktop View: 1. Personal/User Layout; 2. Default Layout; 3. Empty Layout

Mobile View: 1. Personal/User Layout; 2. Mobile Layout; 3. Default Layout; 4. Empty Layout


When user doesn’t have ‘Can modify layouts’ permission

Desktop View: Default Layout

Mobile View: 1. Mobile Layout; 2. Default Layout