June 2024 - Dashboard Release Notes
- 1.1 Editable Tables - New HTTP Method To Send ALL Rows Of Data In A Single JSON Request
- 1.2 Multilingual / Languages - i18n Improvements
- 1.3 Security - Allow Users To Configure Ciphers
- 1.4 Environment Variables - Configure eMail (SMTP) and Dashboard Module Settings
- 1.5 HTTPS Certificate Chain - Allow Users To Configure
- 1.6 Category Object - Label Name
- 2.1 Horizontal Scroll Bars - Unnecessary Appearance On Tables - Having Already Zoomed In
- 2.2 Performance - Impacted When Using Externally Stored Images In Themes
- 2.3 Password - Unable To Change Mandatory Password When Licence Had Expired
- 2.4 Category Objects - Unable To Filter Solely On NULL (When Using Multi-Select Category Object Filter Types)
- 2.5 PDF Export - Footers Not Appearing (In Landscape Mode)
- 2.6 Save Button - Disappearing When Creating A New Password Protected Chart
- 2.7 Redis - Session State For Session Storage
- 2.8 Database Migration - Unexpected Migration Being Applied (In Exceptional Circumstances)
- 2.9 Library Upgrade - Java v11
- 2.10 Library Upgrade - Puppeteer v21.10.0
- 2.11 Library Upgrade - Angular v5.2.11
- 2.12 Logging - Improved Renderer Error Capture (Browser Console Errors)
- 2.13 Merged Charts - Showing Incorrectly When A Donor Chart Measures Is Cumulative
- 2.14 Schedule Indicator - Not Always Visible on Schedule Editor Screen
- 2.15 Multilingual / Languages - Export Language Files Directly To The Browser
Table of Content Key
Customer Requested tickets are highlighted with this icon
Below are key notifications to be aware of before upgrading your dashboard.;
This release changes our supported version of Java, from v8 to v11. This will not affect people using container deployments or Windows, however Linux users should take note of the change. The JDK/JRE on the system being used by the Dashboard should be updated to a v11 version. Upcoming build changes will break any installations still using Java 8.
The available languages file for i18n which previously required maintenance for language additions has been removed, and the languages available are now populated automatically.
This release contains no Schema changes.
Editable Tables - New HTTP Method To Send ALL Rows Of Data In A Single JSON Request | pi#2377 | 30872 & 31127 | |
A new HTTP Method for Editable Tables has been added that will send all rows of data when submitting an Editable Table update rather than only those rows that have been edited. Note:
Multilingual / Languages - i18n Improvements | pi#2392 | 29804 | |
Retrieval of userEntered strings i18n files is now done via a direct download in the end-user (admin only) browser. This means server access is not required to get access to the content. In addition, uploads of these and other supported i18n files can now be done directly from the browser. To upload a file it must be one of the supported filenames;
Note: The available languages file which previously required maintenance for language additions has been removed, and the languages available are now populated automatically.
Security - Allow Users To Configure Ciphers | pi#2280 | 29708 & 29709 | Security / Cipher |
An option has been added to allow the list of Ciphers to be configurable. A new option has been added to the Configuration Tool GUI, allowing users to specify a list of ciphers they wish to use; otherwise, the default cipher list will be utilised. The new ciphers option can be found under the ‘Security’ tab, within the ‘Advanced’ section as shown below;
Note: a list of Ciphers must be added in a string format, each value separated by a comma - as per the screenshot above. In addition to the Configuration Tool GUI method, Ciphers can also be configured through a new environment variables - PI_TOMCAT_CIPHERS. For more information on Environment Variables, see HERE.
Environment Variables - Configure eMail (SMTP) and Dashboard Module Settings | pi#2392 | 29804 | |
It is now possible to set the email and modules global settings via environment variables (as well as from within the Configuration Tool GUI). When set it will disable the ability to set them via the product user interface. The following new variables have been added; For more information on Environment Variables, see HERE.
HTTPS Certificate Chain - Allow Users To Configure | pi#2424 | 29708 & 29709 | Configuration / Environment Variables |
An option has been added to allow users to define an optional HTTPS Certificate Chain. The path to HTTPS Certificate Chain can be configured through the new environment variable - PI_TOMCAT_HTTPS_CERT_CHAIN. The option to configure the path has also been added to Configuration Tool GUI - it can be found under Tomcat > HTTPS:
Category Object - Label Name | pi#1244 | 25472 & 20620 | Category Objects |
Added the ability to set a label for Category Objects. If set, this value will replace the name shown to the end-user when browsing the Dashboard.
Horizontal Scroll Bars - Unnecessary Appearance On Tables - Having Already Zoomed In | pi#2423 | 29732 | Data Tables |
Addressed another Edge case where unwanted horizontal scroll bars appeared on tables. If you are already zoomed in on the web page, and then load the Category, occasionally, additional scroll bars would appear towards the bottom of the table, and partially overlay across data.
Performance - Impacted When Using Externally Stored Images In Themes | pi#2331 | 25359 & 28844 | Performance / Themes |
When using externally hosted images in themes, performance was sometimes impacted due to an occasional rises in high memory usage.
Password - Unable To Change Mandatory Password When Licence Had Expired | pi#2422 | - | Password |
Changing password as part of the mandatory post-login flow was previously not possible, when your licence had expired.
Category Objects - Unable To Filter Solely On NULL (When Using Multi-Select Category Object Filter Types) | pi#2394 | 26598 | Category Objects |
Previously, if users selected NULL as the only filter value for a multi-select filter type Category Object (multi-picker, checkboxes), the SQL generated would result in no data being returned rather than using NULL as the filtering criteria.
PDF Export - Footers Not Appearing (In Landscape Mode) | pi#2397 | 30597 | PDF Exports |
An upgrade of the Puppeteer library has resolved an issue whereby the footers was disappearing from PDF exports when defined in landscape mode.
Save Button - Disappearing When Creating A New Password Protected Chart | pi#2400 | 29799, 30476, 30585 & 31851 | |
Resolved an issue with the save icon disappearing from the UI when attempting to add ‘Write’ protection to a chart, which did not previously have a password protection defined.
Redis - Session State For Session Storage | pi#2348 | 29803 | Open ID Connect |
The session was previously used to store temporary nonce values used as part of the OpenID Connect login flow. These values have been moved to the database to reduce the data stored in the session and resolve an issue which occurred when using Redis for session storage.
Database Migration - Unexpected Migration Being Applied (In Exceptional Circumstances) | migrations-jar#54 | - | Migrations |
In exceptional circumstances, when there is an issue with the database connection and the application was restarted at the same time, one of the old migration scripts could have run when it should not and could potentially cause data loss.
Library Upgrade - Java v11 | dashboard-deployment#83 | - | 3rd Party Library / Components |
The Java library has been upgraded from v8 to v11. Windows and Docker environments will include a newer version of Java so there will be no change required. For native Linux platforms, users will need to supply an updated JDK from this release onwards.
Library Upgrade - Puppeteer v21.10.0 | pi#2397 | 30597 | 3rd Party Library / Components |
The Puppeteer library has been upgraded to v21.10.0, which also includes a Chromium upgrade to v121.0.6167.85.
Library Upgrade - Angular v5.2.11 | pi#2450 | - | |
The Angular library has been upgraded to v5.2.11, to benefit from improvements in more recent versions.
Logging - Improved Renderer Error Capture (Browser Console Errors) | renderer#114 | - | Observability / Logging |
When the Renderer is operational, should the browser console generate errors, these will now be logged in the standard renderer log files to allow for fuller log file analysis.
Merged Charts - Showing Incorrectly When A Donor Chart Measures Is Cumulative | pi#2393 | 29807 | Merged Charts |
Previously when creating a merged chart, where one of the donor charts included a cumulative measure this returned an inaccurate view in the final merged chart. |
Schedule Indicator - Not Always Visible on Schedule Editor Screen | pi#2351 | 28609 | Schedule Editor |
Previously, the schedule indicator icon would not be visible on the schedule editor screen when the schedule’s name was very long. Now, the indicator always shows. |
Multilingual / Languages - Export Language Files Directly To The Browser | pi#2269 | 28134, 29607 | Language Files |
Previously, when downloading a generated language file, it would appearing within the dashboard’s file system. Now, it downloads directly to the browser. |