Login Screen

Login Screen

To set a background image, firstly create a custom theme.

Save your background image to the folder: …\tomcat\webapps\panMISDashboardResources\themes\<<YOUR_STYLE_NAME>>\img

NB: Higher resolution images are better.

Login as an administrator, open the themes tab, click on your theme name click on the Configuration screen and enter the name of the image in the login screen background image section. 

Save the theme and logout.


The background image of the login screen.


The entire page where the login box is displayed.


The logo on the login screen.


Applies to any panel on the login screen e.g. the login panel.


The header style of the login panel.


The large icon on the login screen panel


The body of the login screen panel.


The footer of the login screen panel.

.login-panel .pi-input.pi-style__login-screen_panel_input

The input area (including label and input field) of the container on the login screen.

.login-panel .pi-style__login-screen_panel_input_label

The label of an input field.

.login-panel .pi-input.pi-style__login-screen_panel_input_field

An input field on the login screen.


The container of the buttons on the login screen.


Buttons on the login screen.