Legend Options
A Legend is an optional second dimension that you can add to many chart types and is usually positioned at the top-right of the cell. This section covers the options available for the Legend.
Legend options can be changed/ selected in this area on the Attributes screen.
If the ‘Hide’ box is ticked, the legend will not be displayed on the chart.
Label & Legend Label Length
The object name is the default label for a legend. The ‘Label’ field can be used to change this default name to something that will provide a better explanation of the data.
This example shows that the legend name has been changed from the default object name of ‘HR Gender’ to ‘Employee gender’.
Legend Label Length reduces the length of the items displayed in the legend.
This example shows that the legend label length has been reduced.
Legend Alignment Position
This changes where the Legend is positioned in relation to the chart. In some cases, particularly when using column or bar charts, moving the legend above or below the chart can provide more space for the chart to be displayed properly.
To change the position of the legend, tick the relevant position box.
This example shows that the legend position has been changed from top-right to above the chart.