Enable Drill Down Filters

Drill down filters can be used as a way of viewing related information in other charts. For example, in a chart that shows Sales by Region, the drill down filter could be used to display the Stores in each Region and their associated Sales Figures when a user clicks on one of the Regions in the main chart. Please refer to the section on Drill Down levels for more information. 

This option is ticked by default and is used to filter the next level of information based on what a user clicks in the previous stage. If this box is unticked, users will still be able to drill down to other stages, but these stages will not be filtered based on the option they clicked on in the first chart. 

The options available in the ‘Tick to enable drill down filter’ section are linked to the Dimensions that you added on the ‘Data’ screen. 


The following screenshot shows that, in this chart, users will be able to drill down into the next level by clicking Age Group or Gender.