August 2020 Dashboard Release Notes
Release Date Aug 27, 2020
Dec 13, 2021 - in response to a Java security vulnerability around Log4J2, this version of the dashboard needs to be updated to a version from our patched November 21 (inclusive) - or mitigating actions taken to provide security assurances - more information can be found HERE
Release Highlights
SCHED-5 You can now test your Schedules before you send them to recipients. The ‘Test this schedule’ icon on the toolbar will send the current user an email for each recipient on the schedule, with the content that each recipient would see.
The email should appear with as <subject> - <email>
. For example, if you have a schedule with the subject as “Monthly Report” being emailed to User 1 (with email as
) and another to a direct email
, you’ll get two emails:
Monthly Report -
Monthly Report -
pi Reports
The current user must have an email configured
The schedule must be saved before being previewed
PANINT-8675 New time-based [[Magic Variables]]
have been added. Please see pi Documentation for more information on Magic Variables.
PANINT-8528 Elasticsearch has been added to the list of data connections.
PANINT-8594 Added ability to customise the loading icon of the whole application:
There is now a new input field on the theme to allow putting a svg / image as a loading icon
This icon can be one from the theme directory just like the logos, or can be a URL to access an svg / image file
Before logging in or straight after log in before having the current user info in the system, the system uses the theme defined by the PI_STYLES variable, so the loading icon of this theme is used
If user leaves the loading icon field blank, it falls back to the grey spinning cog
If user creates a new theme, this loading icon is used (New theme now copies the system theme set up for the theme config, including the icon)
This loading icon should be used for the pi-day, pi-night themes that are shipped with the initial installation
PANINT-8541 A ‘Duplicate’ icon has been added to the report editor. This icon can be used to create a copy of the current report page can be duplicated.
PANINT-8611 Add password change visualisation to all user password change screens. Extra changes have also been made that will allow Admin users the ability to enforce high password standards in the Settings screen.
PANINT-8667 Add /skipconfig flag to the Windows installer. Only useful for debugging, when install is needed without configuration e.g. setup.exe /skipconfig
PANINT-8576 The Combined chart type has been updated so that it now supports more than two measures and users can choose whether to allocate the data to the left or the right Y Axis. These changes can be seen on the Attributes screen in Chart Editor.
PANINT-8599 Reports and schedules selection lists are now displayed in a tree structure. This means that reports and schedules are grouped by the categories they belong to.
pi Reports
PANINT-8598 Users now have the ability to schedule at any hour, including minutes (HH:mm format).
Users will also be able to create a schedule for the last day of the month.
pi Reports
PANINT-8524 migrations.jar
now includes logic to seed the database.
SCHED-4 The Scheduler now allows anonymous SMTP connections. To use this, just keep the Username
and Password
fields empty, but you can insert an Email
that will be used as the Sender.
pi Reports
PANINT-8639 Parent categories that are being used now display the (u) symbol when being imported to the dashboard
PANINT-8635 Fixed elements on the config screens (category access, data connection) that couldn’t apply theming correctly when using the Pi-Night theme
PANINT-8597 A fix has been applied to the Schedule screen, so that when no changes are made, the screen would no longer show that it has changes and ask users to save their changes
pi Reports
PANINT-8168 Updated Tomcat to 8.5.56 to resolve known vulnerabilities
CUSTOMER NEWS - Our November 24 Release Is Now Available. Check Out Our Webinar Series - Up Next - Organisations - 13th Feb 25... Register HERE