Sage 50 - Installation Guide

Sage 50 - Installation Guide

Installation and Configuration Instructions for pi and ETL


  • pi dashboard

  • pi Sage 50 install files

  • Sage 50 - v23 or above with valid login credentials

  • Microsoft SQL Server

This guide will explain:

  • Sage 50 install files

  • Downloading and installing MSSQL Server Express (you can use an existing version if you already have it installed)

    • Creating a database

    • Creating a login

  • Setting the connections with Sage 50 and a SQL database

  • Setting up the ETL file

  • Downloading and installing the latest pi dashboard

  • Restoring the Sage 50 repository into the pi dashboard

  • Updating the dashboard data connections with user-specific information (if not default) such as usernames, passwords and host names

The download and install of SQL Server Express and the pi dashboard can be run concurrently to save time/ server performance

pi Sage 50 install files

Download the Sage 50 install files from the Panintelligence Customer Portal and extract ALL files into the same folder in a location of your choice on the server.

These files must be stored in the same folder.

 The files included are:

  • Sage50_Connections.exe

    • This is to set up the credentials being used for SQL Server and Sage 50

  • Sage50_ETL.exe

    • This is the process that will copy the data from Sage 50 and move this to SQL Server making it relational and accessible by pi

  • Sage50_Repos.sql

    • This is the preconfigured dashboard repository that is to be restored into pi

  • Sage50_Script.sql

    • This is an SQL file that the ETL process uses each time it runs

  • Sage50_Views.sql

    • These are SQL views that have been created for some of the more complex calculations required for the dashboard and are checked each time the ETL process is run

  • Exclude_Tables.txt

    • This is a config file containing a list of tables from Sage 50 that are excluded from the ETL process as not required in the default build. If a table is required then it can just be removed from this file, alternatively a table can be added to this file if you require it to be excluded

  • PIDataSources.txt

    • This is used to list the data source name of the ODBCs that are used for the data transfer

Please refer to the following sections for more instructions: