Pie & Doughnut
These are most appropriate for viewing proportional data against a non-date dimension. The chart can be sorted either alphabetically or by value. Pie charts use a Legend (Dimension), which determines how many slices are displayed and a Number (Measure), which determines the size of each of the slices.
This pie chart shows employee numbers by job role. Job Role (Dimension) determines how many slices are displayed and the Employee Count (Measure) determines the size of each of the slices. Data labels have been added on the Attributes screen to make the data in the chart easier to read.
As with the pie chart the doughnut is used for viewing proportional data with one dimension. Doughnut charts use a Legend (Dimension), which determines how many segments are displayed and a Number (Measure), which determines the size of each of the segments.
This chart uses the same data as the Pie chart. Data labels have been added in the Attributes section to make the data in the chart easier to read.
Pie Variable Radius
This is a pie chart where the length (radius) of the segment is determined by one measure, and the width (volume) is determined by another.
This example uses the same data as the Pie and Doughnut charts but with the addition of another measure for the radius. The length of the slices represents the Attrition %age, the width of the slices is determined by the number of employees in a Job Role. The data labels show the number of employees followed by the attrition %age and have been displayed on the outside of the chart.
Doughnut Variable Radius
This is similar to the Pie Variable Radius but is based on a Doughnut rather than a Pie chart.
This example uses the same data as the Pie Variable Radius chart represented as a doughnut rather than a pie.
In the January 2022 release, ‘Show Data Values’ on the Attributes screen will be selected by default.