Migrating old (pre 2019) data to the latest version (Linux)

Before upgrading, please ensure that you create a backup. You can find more information here.


If you're running an older version of Panintelligence, there are a number of intermediate versions that the dashboard requires you to go through in order for you to have the correct format of the dashboard data.

This might not be 100% straight forward on linux, so we've created the migrate-data.sh script.

The upgrade step usually looks like this:

During the migration process it will unzip those files and make the data flow through each one of those dashboards to the point it's reached the latest one.

To execute the migration you need to run the command with:

  • the type of database you're using (if you're in any version before July 2019 this will be hsql, otherwise it could be either hsql or mariadb)

  • the directory where you placed your dashboard.* files

  • the database password

  • all the zip files in order of the versions

If your licence has lite users / lite categories, you'll need licence.xml to be present in the same directory as the migrate-data.sh script.

Usage Examples

You're on a version before January 2019

First you need the migrate-data.sh script:

Then you need to download the following versions:

  • Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_01_31-x86_64.zip

  • Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_07_31-x86_64.zip

  • Dashboard-linux-2020_01_30-x86_64.zip

  • Dashboard-linux-2020_07_30-x86_64.zip

  • latest.zip

Replace latest.zip with whatever latest linux version zip distribution we're providing via the customer portal.

You can place those zips near the migrate-data.sh script. Additionally, place your dashboard.* files that usually live under Dashboard/data in a safe place, such as inside a directory close to the migrate-data.sh script.

Your directory structure should look something like this:

Now you should run the migration. Like this:

./migrate-data.sh --hsql ./dashboard-data SuperSecretPassword Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_01_31-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_07_31-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-2020_01_30-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-2020_07_30-x86_64.zip latest.zip

You're on July 2019 or after

If your version is after July 2019 (2019_07_31), but no later than July 2020 (2020_07_30), read on!

First you need the migrate-data.sh script:

Then you need to download the following versions:

  • Dashboard-linux-2020_01_30-x86_64.zip

  • Dashboard-linux-2020_07_30-x86_64.zip

  • latest.zip

Replace latest.zip with whatever latest linux version zip distribution we're providing via the customer portal.

You can place those zips near the migrate-data.sh script.

Using HyperSQL

If you're using HyperSQL as your dashboard database repository, place your dashboard.* files that usually live under Dashboard/data in a safe place, such as inside a directory close to the migrate-data.sh script.

Your directory structure should look something like this:

Now you should run the migration like this:

./migrate-data.sh --hsql ./dashboard-data SuperSecretPassword Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_01_31-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-pi.2019_07_31-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-2020_01_30-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-2020_07_30-x86_64.zip latest.zip

Using MariaDB

If you're using MariaDB as your dashboard database repository, create a backup of the database and store it in a safe place, such as inside a directory close to the migrate-data.sh script.

Your directory structure should look something like below:

Now you should run the migration. Like this:

./migrate-data.sh --mariadb ./dashboard-data/backup.sql SuperSecretPassword Dashboard-linux-2020_01_30-x86_64.zip Dashboard-linux-2020_07_30-x86_64.zip latest.zip