Summary with Individual Daily Figures

This example shows how you can use Merged charts to display a summary figure followed by a breakdown for each individual date.

Step 1: Create Your Individual Charts

In our example we’re using a chart to show the summary figures for a 3 month period combined with a chart that shows a breakdown for each of those months. For the summary chart we’ve used a Spline Area chart and we’ve used a Bar chart for the individual breakdown.

To make the charts easier to read in the Merged chart we’re going to change the colour of the bars in one of the charts.

Step 2: Applying a Default Colour

Edit one of the charts and on the Colours tab choose the default colour that you want to use. We’ve chosen a different colour from the current theme colours by clicking on it. Now we need to copy and paste the hex code from the box beneath the colour palette to the Default Colour colour field.

You can also specify a Default Colour by typing the name of the colour e.g. ‘Blue’ directly into the Default Colour field.

After saving the changes our two charts now look different on the Dashboard.

Step 3: Creating the Merged Chart

Click the ‘Create new chart’ icon on a cell on your Dashboard and on the Chart tab select ‘Merged’. On the ‘Data’ tab, click the ‘Add’ icon and add both charts that you created in the previous step. You should now see the two child charts at the top of the screen and the merged chart in the bottom half.

Step 4: Changing the position of the summary chart.

When we added our two charts we chose the Monthly Orders chart first and as a result of this the Summary data is shown on the right-hand side of the Merged chart. We can easily change this by changing the order of the two child charts and we do this by clicking the ‘Move Up’ or ‘Move Down’ arrow next to one of the charts.

Remember to click the ‘Save’ icon and when you return to the Dashboard, the Summary chart will now be displayed on the left-hand side.