Adding Images to a Data Table
Columns in Data Tables can contain text, numbers and even images. Adding text and numbers is really easy, you simply add the relevant column from your data source.
Please have a look at this page for further information on how to do this.
If you want to add an image to your column you will need to make sure that you’ve added the image to the following folder Your Dashboard\Dashboard\tomcat\webapps\panMISDashboardResources\images
with the .png extension.
The name of these images must match the name of the item you’re referring to in your Dashboard. For example, if you want to add an image for a Salesperson called ‘Dawn Day’, the image for Dawn must be saved in the folder mentioned above as ‘Dawn Day’.png.
You can then create a column in Dashboard Configuration>Data Connections that links to these image files. The following screenshot shows how this can be created and you can find full details on how to create a column here.
We’ve also amended the size of the image. You can find more information on resizing images here.
Once these steps have been completed, you can add your image to the Data Table in the same way as you do text and numbers. The column will initially look like this:
To display the image, you’ll need to select the option ‘Display column as HTML’ on the Attributes screen: