Adding Attachments
A scheduled email can include either a chart from the Chart Library, a Report or both. To add an attachment, click the Chart or Report icons at the bottom of the email.
The Chart icon will launch the Chart Library, enabling you to select the chart that you want to add. | |
The Report icon will launch a list of reports that have already been created, allowing you to select the report that you want to include. |
These icons will only allow you to add one report or chart at a time, if you need to add more repeat the process.
By default, a chart will be added as a PDF file. If you want to, you can also tick the CSV box to include the data used in the chart.
Saving to a Directory
Schedules that are saved to a directory will be saved in the following place:
*install path*\Dashboard\Scheduler
You can create a sub directory within this location that will create a folder based on the name you give it. For example, *install path*Dashboard\Scheduler\MyFolder.
Renaming a File
The ‘Rename’ icon will allow you to change the name of the of a Report or Chart that you’ve added as an email attachment. Click the ‘Rename’ icon next to the report or chart that you want to change.
Enter a new name and click the ‘Apply’ button.
This will only change the name of the attachment. The original name given to the report or chart when it was saved will still remain.