Choosing the Email Recipients
You can choose recipients from users who have access to the dashboard or enter email addresses for external users.
To send an email to users of the dashboard, single click the names of the people you want to include on the left-hand side of the screen. Alternatively, if you want to send the email to all users click the ‘Select All’ option.
Please note that user restrictions will apply (if they have been specified) to any users that you select. Users must also have an email address specified in their user account, if they don’t you won’t be able to select them and the following warning will be displayed.
Users will only appear in this section if they have the privilege ‘Can Be an Email Recipient’ at user or role level.
Please note that role based privileges override user privileges.
External Email Addresses
To allow a user to schedule to email addresses (rather than just the internal dashboard users), the ‘Can Schedule to Email’ permissions needs to be granted against their account - otherwise they will not see the Email Addresses boxes shown below
To send the email to external users i.e. users who do not have access to the dashboard, enter the email addresses at the bottom of the screen. Remember to separate each address with a semi colon ( ; ). These recipients will only receive a pdf version of the report/ chart. The email address section can contain distribution lists as well as individual email addresses.
The ‘Send to’ section at the top of the screen will confirm how many people the email will be sent to.
The number next to Users refers to dashboard users and the number next to email addresses refers to external users.
Limiting the number of external email addresses
When creating new licences on Licence Manager we can control the number of external email addresses that a dashboard can schedule emails to.
The following behaviours have been applied.
Max external emails: value. If the number of external email addresses added in the Schedules section of the dashboard is lower or equal to the specified figure, the schedule will send to the external emails. You will also be able to add additional external email addresses until the specified value is reached. Once the specified value is exceeded, the scheduler will not send emails to external email addresses and users will not able to add additional email addresses
Max external emails: not present in licence. The scheduler and the system allows the user to send to infinite amount of external email addresses