6. Summary charts
This example shows how you can merge a chart showing a summary of a month or year with a chart showing a breakdown of that period of time. In the screenshot below we’ve used a summary of the total time spent by developers in January and a breakdown of the time spent each day.
This example shows the summary information at the start of the chart and then the individual data within the summary but you can easily change it to show the breakdown at the start of the Merged chart and the summary at the end by changing the order of the child charts on the Data tab of the Edit, Chart screen.
The same chart type has been used in both child charts in the first screenshot but you can also use different chart types for both child charts.
This screenshot shows an Area chart for the summary data and a Bar chart for the breakdown and the summary has been moved to the end of the chart.
Please take a look here for step by step instructions on how to recreate this example.